Intuitive Thinking As a Spiritual Path

(Joyce) #1
Index 273

creation of through cognition,
ethical individualism in, 189
and philosophy, 163-172
and purposefulness, 175
role of feeling in, 129
See also ethics; morality
moral autonomy, 146
moral concept
discussion of, 150-151
See also concept
moral imagination, 180-193,
182, 191, 221, 238
See also imagination
moral laws (principles), 145,
183, 184
in relation to freedom, 154,
164, 167
See also law
moral taste, transformation of,
moral technique, 183
authoritarian morality, 146
as compulsion, 156, 165-166
free morality, 159-161
human beings as source of,
159-162, 170
moral concept, 149
motive of, 144
motive power of, 141
natural history of, 150
purposes of, 219-220
in relation to characterological
disposition, 140-144, 148
See also ethics; good
perception of process of, 99
See also action

consciousness of, 10-12, 14,
See also will(ing)
affect of upon will(ing), 139-
140, 144, 149, 165
affect on of compulsion, 13-14
conscious vs. unconscious, 10-
12, 14, 15
mental picture as, 142, 144-
145, 181
in relation to morality, 144,
See also desire; will(ing)
motive power
consideration of for act of will,
drive as, 141
of morality, 141
Müller, Johannes Peter, 64
mysticism, errors within, 120,
131-132, 133

naive consciousness
belief of concerning concepts,
belief of concerning ideas,
111-112, 222
belief of concerning object,
63, 67, 79, 94, 174-175
See also consciousness
naive realism
compared to critical idealism,
69-70, 74
compared to illusionism and
transcendental realism, 76-
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