(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Measuring Production Functions 207

This is exactly the condition established in Equation 5.4. The marginal prod-
uct per dollar of input should be the same across all inputs.


In this section, we briefly discuss ways in which managers can estimate and
measure production functions based on engineering or economic data. Let us
begin by considering four common specifications.

Linear Production

As the term suggests, a linear production functiontakes the form


where a, b, and c are coefficients that must be estimated from the data. An
immediate implication of linearity is that each input’s marginal product is con-
stant: MPLa and MPKb. Constant marginal productivity may approximate
production over a limited range of input usage, but at sufficiently high levels
of inputs, it is at odds with the law of diminishing marginal productivity. In this
sense, the linear form is too simple and should be viewed as a somewhat
extreme case.
Because of the constant marginal products, the inputs are perfect substitutes
for one another. Suppose, for example, that the production function is Q 
20L 40K. In this case, one can always substitute two units of labor for one of
capital to maintain the same level of production, and vice versa. Given fixed
input prices, production will be “all or nothing” in the long run. If the unit
cost of capital is less than twice the wage per unit of labor, the firm’s least-cost
means of production is to use only capital. In contrast, if labor is the less expen-
sive option, production should use labor exclusively. In general, as long as
MPK/PKMPL/PL, the firm should use capital exclusively (and vice versa if the
inequality is reversed).

Production with Fixed Proportions

Production with fixed proportionsis the opposite extreme from linear pro-
duction; fixed-proportions production allows no input substitution. Output
can only be produced with a fixed proportion of inputs. Simple examples
include a taxi and its driver or a construction crane and its operator. In both
cases, the required mix of labor to capital is one to one. An excess of either
input—a machine without an operator or vice versa—does no good. Expansion


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