Science - USA (2022-02-25)

(Maropa) #1

by the Young’s modulus and the membrane
thickness following the relationship



1 v^21
E 1


1 v^22
E 2

"# 2 1 = 3


P 0

1 v^21
E 1


¼ 1 ð 2 Þ

whereP 0 is the maximum contact pressure;E 1
andv 1 are the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s
ratio of the membrane, respectively;tis the
membrane thickness; andE 2 andv 2 are the
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of
the sphere, respectively ( 34 , 35 ). TheE/(1−v^2 )
is regarded as the plane-strain modulus, which
is 130 kPa for human skin ( 36 ), 4 MPa for

PDMS ( 37 ), and 2.8 GPa for polyimide ( 22 ).
The difference in plane-strain modulus illus-
trates the large mechanical mismatch between
human skin and the soft polymeric elastomer
or typical plastics.
conformal interface with a topography of a giv-
enrcurveunder a certain contact pressure for
materials with a different plane-strain modulus
(Fig. 1E). For example, to achieve a conformal
interface with a skin topography ofrcurve~5mm
under a maximum contact pressureP 0 of 1 kPa
(the gentlest touch that a human can feel is
1kPa)( 38 ), the maximum allowed thickness
is 0.3mm for PDMS and 39 nm for polyimide.
Similarly, we can also calculate the maximum
contact pressure needed to form a conformal

interface with a givenrcurveof 5mm for mate-
rials with a different plane-strain modulus
and thickness (Fig. 1F).
These analyses highlight that the contact
pressure needed to achieve a conformal inter-
face is proportional to the Young’s modulus
and thickness of the membrane and inversely
proportional to the curvature of the radius of
the surface topography. Although, in principle,
the contact pressure on biological tissue can
be minimized by reducing membrane thick-
ness, the thickness cannot be reduced indefi-
nitely for most polymeric materials owing
to the limitation of the characteristic size of
individual polymer chains and a precipitous
decrease in mechanical properties below a
critical thickness (e.g., 25 nm) ( 23 ). Conduct-
ing polymers that are suitable for electronic 25 FEBRUARY 2022•VOL 375 ISSUE 6583 853





Fig. 1. Conceptual comparison of unstretchable and stretchable membranes.
(AandB) Illustrations showing the wrapping of a piece of (A) unstretchable and
(B) stretchable membrane around a pen. (C) Illustrations showing stretchable
membranes with grid lines gradually conforming to a curved surface topography.
(D) Diagram of a spherical indentation model and relevant parameters. (Eand

F) Contour maps showing the relationship between plane-strain modulus, film
thickness, and (E) contact radius at a contact pressure of 1 kPa or (F) maximum
contact pressure for a contact radius of 5mm, highlighting that reducing thickness and
plane-strain modulus favors a conformal interface. (GandH) Schematic diagram
of (G) VDWTFs and (H) CVDTFs before and after stretching.

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