Science - USA (2022-02-25)

(Maropa) #1

804 25 FEBRUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6583 SCIENCE

But the third population, from Central Af-
rica and most closely related to people to-
day who live a foraging lifestyle there, came
as a surprise.
The distinct genetic signatures of those
ancestral populations indicate they were
mostly isolated from one another for vast
amounts of time before eventually coming
together, suggests David Reich, a popula-
tion geneticist at Harvard Medical School
who co-led the study. “If you look at Eu-
ropeans and East Asians, maybe they’re
separated by 40,000 or 50,000 years,” he
says. “These three groups were basically
separated 200,000 years ago, then come
together ... maybe 80,000 to 50,000 years
ago.” That range is only a rough estimate,
Reich notes, given none of the new genomes
dates beyond 20,000 years ago.
But that time frame for commingling
matches developments in material cul-
ture, says co-author Mary Prendergast, an
archaeologist at Rice University. In African
artifacts of that period, “we see a ton of
hints that people are connecting in differ-
ent ways,” she says, mixing and matching
artifacts from distant places.
Considered in that context, the new DNA
data suggest sometime after 20,000 years
ago, ancient Africans stayed closer to home.
Stone tools found in their rock shelters take
on a local flair. And their DNA suggests that
starting around this time, people traveled
shorter distances to find mates.
That date range marks the Last Glacial
Maximum, which affected climate worldwide,
points out Rick Potts, a paleoanthropologist
at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Mu-
seum of Natural History. Across tropical Af-
rica, forests contracted and grasslands grew
in between, forming fragmented savannalike
“islands” for many species—perhaps humans
among them. “It’s interesting to think about
whether sub-Saharan African foragers were
mapping onto a kind of refugium model.”
The six new genomes are a welcome ad-
dition to Africa’s sparse record of ancient
DNA, says Sarah Tishkoff, a geneticist at
the University of Pennsylvania. But she’s
not swayed by the team’s ideas about what
happened before 20,000 years ago. “There’s
a lot of assumptions in that analysis,” she
says, and it’s not clear to her that the au-
thors considered alternative explanations.
The analysis included some remains
from museums, highlighting the key role
of collections, says study co-author Maggie
Katongo, a curator at Zambia’s Livingstone
Museum and a doctoral student at Rice
University. “When you do this research, you
want to give back to the community,” she
adds. “We want to make sure that whatever
comes from this research is made public for
all people in Zambia.” j

Glowing tumor marker hampers

mouse cancer studies

Response to protein complicates immunotherapy research



ancer biologist Cyrus Ghajar was
gearing up to study how the immune
system can fight breast cancer when
he hit a snag: The supposedly fast-
spreading cancer cells he implanted in
mice stayed put and sometimes even
disappeared after about 11 days. Then, post-
doc Candice Grzelak identified the culprit:
the green fluorescent protein (GFP) the re-
searchers were using to track the cells. The
marker itself was stimulating the rodents’ im-
mune system to attack the tumor cells.
Ghajar’s lab at the Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center got around this
unexpected problem, which
it described in a paper last
month. But he and oth-
ers say the experience re-
flects a broader issue in
mouse studies of immuno-
therapies, treatments that
harness the immune sys-
tem to vanquish tumors:
The glowing proteins bio-
logists use to track the can-
cer cells, often borrowed
from fireflies or jellyfish,
may provoke their own im-
mune attack on the cells.
Other foreign proteins
that are workhorses of lab
studies, such as components of the genome
editor CRISPR, could have the same effect.
And the phenomenon could explain why labs
sometimes can’t reproduce immunotherapy
findings from other groups, suggests Glenn
Merlino, a cancer biologist at the National
Cancer Institute.
As immunotherapy becomes more and
more important, he adds, scientists need to
be aware of confounding factors like this. “So
many preclinical experiments do not end up
telling you anything useful in the clinic,” says
Merlino, a co-author on commentary on the
issue last week in Cancer Cell.
Although it’s long been known that the
immune system can sense marker proteins
such as GFP as foreign, it didn’t much matter
for cancer studies. That’s because most labs
used mice lacking an immune system so they
would not reject the transplanted human
cancer cells often used to assess treatments.

But as immunotherapies have taken off
in the past decade, more labs are working
with mice that have intact immune sys-
tems. Ghajar and others shifted to mouse
cancer cells, which aren’t immediately re-
jected. Others use mice that have human-
ized immune systems and accept human
cancer cells.
Ghajar’s lab realized its mice were pro-
ducing immune sentinels called T cells
that attacked the GFP-labeled cells, block-
ing their growth. They lowered the levels of
GFP, but the cancer cells still didn’t metas-
tasize. The group found the best solution
was to trick the mouse immune system into
thinking the GFP was a natural protein, by
using mice engineered to
produce GFP in certain im-
mune cells known as den-
dritic cells, which induce
tolerance. In these rodents,
the breast cancer cells grew
as expected, they reported
in Cancer Cell.
“We wanted to draw at-
tention to the problem and
provide the field with re-
agents and metrics neces-
sary to solve it,” Ghajar says.
Merlino and his co-
authors warn in their com-
mentary that the same
problematic immune re-
sponse could arise in experiments using
other glowing proteins from various spe-
cies, viral proteins that cause cancer, and
even Cas9, CRISPR’s DNA-cutting enzyme,
which comes from a bacterium. Research-
ers may need to find workarounds, such
as mouse strains modified so they tolerate
the foreign proteins, like the mice turned
to by Ghajar’s lab. Merlino calls for other
researchers to share similar experiences,
perhaps in a database.
Peter Friedl, who studies metastasis at
Radboud University and the MD Anderson
Cancer Center, says he, too, has had experi-
ments fail because of an immune reaction
to a nonmouse marker protein. Research-
ers have fingered other causes for cancer
biology’s replication problem, such as vari-
ations in mouse colony microbiomes. But
the unexpected immune responses, Friedl
says, “absolutely” could contribute. j

By Jocelyn Kaiser

“We wanted to draw

attention to the

problem and provide

the field with

reagents and

metrics necessary

to solve it.”
Cyrus Ghajar,
Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center


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