trees can now be inferred for thousands of
genomes ( 3 – 7 ). Analyses of these trees have
already improved our knowledge of hu-
man demography ( 4 , 5 , 8 , 9 ) and promise
to improve our ability to identify targets
of natural selection ( 5 , 8 , 10 – 12 ). Further,
high-quality ancient genomes can be di-
rectly integrated in the tree, which greatly
increases the certainty of evolutionary
processes by supporting inferences with
data from the past. This is particularly
helpful to study populations that are ex-
tinct or that contributed little to modern
populations, such as Neanderthals and
Denisovans (archaic humans) ( 13 , 14 ), and
tree-based studies are helping to create a
better understanding of the nature of in-
terbreeding between modern and archaic
groups ( 5 , 8 , 9 ).
Unfortunately, the DNA in ancient re-
mains is usually highly degraded and most
ancient genomes are not of sufficient qual-
ity to be fully incorporated into the trees.
Wohns et al. present an approach that aims
to skirt inaccuracies introduced by ancient
DNA by using such ancient genomes only
to help time the emergence of alleles (see
the figure). This allows the use of hundreds
of ancient genomes while limiting the ef-
fects of errors. They generated an impres-
sive, unified human genealogy from >3500
modern and high-quality ancient genomes
from >215 different human populations,
using >3000 additional ancient genomes
to improve inferences from the trees. With
this unified genealogy, key events in his-
tory, such as population size changes,
splits, or migrations, become clearly ap-
parent. They identify well-resolved events,
such as the out-of-Africa migration, and
suggest multiple severe reductions in pop-
ulation size through human history.
Further, Wohns et al. propose a new
method that, applied to the unified gene-
alogy, allows them to estimate ancestral
geographical locations of evolutionary
events. Although there have been other
efforts to place past events geographically
( 15 ), Wohns et al. use a nonparametric
method to estimate the theoretical loca-
tion of inferred human ancestors simply
as the midpoint of the geographic coordi-
nates of their descendants—with these cal-
culations extended backward up the tree
to reach a theoretical common ancestor of
all individuals. Using this method, Wohns
et al. infer an average ancestral location of
all sampled humans in Northeast Africa
by 72,000 years ago and until the oldest
common ancestors of all individuals. This
simple method works well to refine known
ancestral locations and, as sampling im-
proves, it has the potential to identify cur-
rently unknown human movements. More
generally, the trees generated in this study
will undoubtedly prove useful to those
studying human evolution.
Although tree-recording methods rep-
resent an exciting and promising avenue
of harmonizing datasets across time and
space, as demonstrated by Wohns et al.,
they are not without their limitations.
There remains uncertainty in evolutionary
parameters and ancient genomes, and it
is unlikely that the use of low-quality an-
cient DNA will ever be without a degree of
error, except when using rare high-quality
genomes or if inferring missing data be-
comes substantially more accurate. Still,
as genomic datasets continue to grow,
genealogical methods will be increasingly
useful to represent the wealth of genomic
data. Perhaps most importantly, as larger
numbers of modern and ancient genomes
from underrepresented populations be-
come available, our understanding of hu-
man demography, currently still biased to
well-sampled populations, will improve in
both detail and scope.
The power and resolution of tree-record-
ing methods promise to help clarify the
evolutionary history of humans and other
species. It is likely that the most powerful
ways to infer evolutionary history going
forward will have their foundations firmly
set in these methods. j
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J.R. is funded by the National Institute for Health Research
Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre.
A.A. is funded by University College London’s Wellcome
Institutional Strategic Support Fund 3 (204841/Z/16/Z).
10.1126/science.a bo0498
(^1) UCL Genetics Institute, Department of Genetics, Evolution
and Environnment, University College London, London,
UK.^2 Genetics and Genomic Medicine Programme, Great
Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, University College
London, London, UK. Email: [email protected]
Machine learning can use
clinical history to lower the
risk of infection recurrence
By J ean-Baptiste Lugagne1,2 and
Mary J. Dunlop1,2
hen a patient is diagnosed with a
bacterial infection, clinicians per-
form antibiotic susceptibility tests
in the laboratory and use the re-
sults to prescribe an appropriate
antibiotic. But recurrence rates
are high; for example, ~25% of women with
urinary tract infections (UTIs) develop an-
other infection within 6 months ( 1 , 2 ). On
page 889 of this issue, Stracy et al. ( 3 ) reveal
that recurrent infections are often driven
by a different strain than the original infec-
tion. Although correctly prescribing a sus-
ceptibility-matched antibiotic reduces re-
currence rates overall, it also increases the
chances of developing a resistant infection
caused by a different strain. Thus, treat-
ment is a double-edged sword, in which
susceptibility-matched treatments can pave
the way for resistant strains lurking in the
microbiota. The authors find that this risk
can be minimized with a data-driven ap-
proach that incorporates population-wide
statistics and the patient’s personal history
through a machine learning model to make
antibiotic recommendations.
Key to this study is a large longitudinal
dataset containing information about UTIs
and wound infections, including antibiotic
susceptibility profiles and prescribed anti-
biotics, for male and female patients of all
ages in Israel’s Maccabi Healthcare Services
between 2007 and 2019. In most cases, an-
tibiotic treatment of the initial infection is
effective. However, in 10% of UTIs and 6%
of wound infections, patients experience
early recurrence, returning with another in-
fection within 28 days of the original. Some
of these early recurrences are the result of
erroneous prescription of an antibiotic that
the infection was resistant to, as can hap-
(^1) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University,
Boston, MA, USA.^2 Biological Design Center, Boston
University, Boston, MA, USA. Email: [email protected]
818 25 FEBRUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6583