Science - USA (2022-02-25)

(Maropa) #1



pen when drugs are prescribed to provide
rapid clinical intervention while await-
ing results from susceptibility tests ( 4 ).
However, a substantial fraction of cases fall
into the insidious category of being appro-
priately treated with susceptibility-matched
antibiotics and yet returning with an antibi-
otic-resistant infection.
How do these resistant strains emerge?
Stracy et al. carried out genomic sequenc-
ing of the bacteria, providing a detailed
view of the strains and species of the origi-
nal infection compared with the ones that
caused it to recur. This analysis reveals an
underappreciated path to reinfection, with
the original species being treated and elimi-
nated but with the treatment ultimately
setting the stage for other resistant strains
to emerge. Recent studies provide compel-
ling examples of how a patient’s microbiota
serves as a reservoir, such as uropathogenic
strains being harbored in the gut ( 2 , 5 ). This
analysis also joins a growing list of studies
that highlight the power and potential of
integrating genome sequencing data with
clinical records ( 6 , 7 ).
Building on the extensive dataset of in-
fection and treatment histories, Stracy et al.
develop a machine learning algorithm for
patient-specific recommendations (see the
figure). This strategy is successful because
the patient’s risk of developing a recurrent
infection is strongly linked to their treat-
ment and infection history. The authors use
multivariate logistic regression, a powerful
long-established tool for medical outcome
predictions ( 8 ), to assess the risk of early re-
currence for each antibiotic candidate. The
algorithm then identifies the antibiotic that
is least likely to cause an infection to recur
early and be resistant to the prescribed
antibiotic. Notably, the model uses only
13 parameters to fit the data for each UTI
antibiotic, and eight in the case of wound
infections, in which the parameters weight
factors such as age, sex, pregnancy status,
catheter use, and infection history.
These recommendation algorithms are
evaluated against statistical models of early
recurrence and are predicted to reduce the
rate of early resistance recurrences of UTIs
and wound infections by almost half com-
pared with those of physicians’ suscepti-
bility-matched prescriptions. This is one
of the great advantages of machine learn-
ing approaches: By systematically review-
ing all available patient information, with
a statistical model built on thousands of
training samples, the algorithm can iden-
tify subtle patterns and provide valuable
insights and recommendations to support
physicians in their decisions ( 4 , 9 ). The al-
gorithms are also predicted to significantly
improve on current physician practices

even when they are constrained to recom-
mend different types of antibiotics at fre-
quencies that match present-day practices.
This is essential because other factors,
such as side effects and ease of use, inform
decisions about antibiotic selection. The
risk assessment for each antibiotic and a
quantified contribution profile for each pa-
tient risk factor, such as age or resistance
history, can be retrieved. The decision is
therefore interpretable, a critical step to-
ward establishing trust in machine learn-
ing recommendation systems for health
care ( 10 , 11 ).
However, these algorithms are not ready
to prescribe antibiotics just yet. The al-
gorithms were not evaluated on actual
patients but against statistical estimates
of the chances of early resistance recur-
rences. Further studies are required to as-

sess whether resistant infections that ex-
tend beyond the 28-day window are also
prevented. It is also unknown how large
and diverse the training sets need to be
and, once trained, how robust the recom-
mendation system is, for example, to miss-
ing data points or clerical errors.
More generally, data-driven approaches
to health care decisions face numerous
social, legal, and ethical challenges, as
highlighted recently by the World Health
Organization (WHO) ( 12 ). Algorithms can
entrench suboptimal or even discrimina-
tory practices ( 13 ). Although the recom-
mendation model presented by Stracy et
al. is not fitted directly to the clinicians’
decisions if, for example, the responses of
10- to 19-year old women to fosfomycin are
underrepresented in the training set, pre-
dictions under these conditions will be less
reliable. It is also unclear how the model
will adapt to shifts in medical practices—
for example, in the case of newly available
antibiotics. Still, machine learning recom-
mendation systems such as the one pre-
sented by Stracy et al. have the potential
to substantially improve patient outcomes
and could play a major role in mitigating
antibiotic resistance.
The current wave of data-driven meth-
ods for health care presents an opportu-
nity not only to tackle broad public health
issues but to harness their power to intro-
duce new data collection standards, evalu-
ation metrics, and training paradigms
( 14 , 15 ). Essential to the success of these
methods is the availability of both lon-
gitudinal datasets and interdisciplinary
studies, such as those based on genomic
sequence analysis, that provide fundamen-
tal insights into the mechanisms by which
resistance emerges. j


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10.1126/science.a bn9969

Past infections Current infection

Age, sex,
catheter use,

Machine learning model

Antibiotic recommendation for current infection





Susceptible ResistantRRRRReRe Prescribed antibiotic

0 1

Probability of resistance

Predicting resistance according
to treatment history
A machine learning model built with data from
thousands of patients with wound infections and
urinary tract infections identified the factors
that contribute to antibiotic resistance in recurrent
infections. A patient’s history of infections and
antibiotic treatments can then be used with their
demographic data to predict which candidate
antibiotics would likely prevent a recurrent infection.

25 FEBRUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6583 819
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