made it straightforward and robust enough
for the authors to prepare structural analogs
of 2 , and in turn 1 , to probe their activity.
Assaying these compounds for antibacte-
rial activity revealed interesting trends. For
example, the sense of chirality of 1 had little
effect, with its enantiomer ent- 1 and meso-
diastereomer displaying a potency similar
to that of natural 1. The dependence on
overall topology rather than absolute chiral-
ity points to a physical interaction underly-
ing their activity.
Although it had been suggested that 1
may target bacterial membranes, no de-
finitive evidence has been available ( 9 ).
D’Angelo et al. prepared a himastatin probe
in which one isopropyl group is replaced
with a fluorescent dye. Antibacterial activity
was only maintained when one half of the
molecule bore this bulky tag. Prior two-di-
rectional approaches would have great dif-
ficulty accessing this heterodimer. Confocal
microscopy experiments in Bacillus subtilis
revealed that himastatin induces mem-
brane defects that ultimately permeabilize
the cell. This mode of action is reminiscent
of that of daptomycin, a structurally unre-
lated cyclic peptide antibiotic ( 10 ).
The concise synthetic route of D’Angelo
et al. should enable in-depth investiga-
tions of structural change to himastatin
that could tune the potency and selectivity.
Additionally, experiments that explore the
molecular basis of the interaction with the
bacterial membrane, as has recently begun
to become apparent for daptomycin ( 11 ),
could provide opportunities for both funda-
mental biophysical discoveries and inform
designs of other molecules for membrane
perturbation. From a synthetic standpoint,
the bold dimerization showcased may in-
spire similarly direct approaches to com-
plex dimeric or oligomeric natural products
by coupling native monomers. j
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Ed. 53 , 8840 (2014). - K. S. Lam et al., J. Antibiot. (Tokyo) 43 , 956 (1990).
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Movassaghi, Science 375 , 894 (2022). - T. M. Kamenecka, S. J. Danishefsky, Chemistry 7 , 41
(2001). - S.-M. Yu, W.-X. Hong, Y. Wu, C.-L. Zhong, Z.-J. Yao, Org.
Lett. 12 , 1124 (2010). - A. J. Oelke et al., Chemistry 17 , 4183 (2011).
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The Welch Foundation (I-2045) and University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center (W. W. Caruth Jr. Scholarship)
are acknowledged for funding.
By Ferdinando Patat^1 and Michela Mapelli^2
o different extents, all celestial bodies
rotate, planets and stars alike. Things
get particularly interesting when the
objects are part of gravitationally
bound configurations such as a bi-
nary system, in which the two bodies
revolve around each other. In the absence of
external perturbations, their rotation axes
tend to be aligned with each other and per-
pendicular to the orbital plane. This trend
is usually true even for exotic systems, such
as x-ray binaries, in which a star revolves
around a black hole. On page 874 of this
issue, Poutanen et al. ( 1 ) present the case
of x-ray binary system MAXI J1820+070,
which counterintuitively has the spin axis
of the black hole strongly misaligned to the
orbital plane. This deeply challenges the
current understanding of how black holes
can be formed and indicates the presence of
a powerful kick produced by the supernova
that generated the black hole.
Our star, the Sun, has no companions. Al-
though one may view this arrangement as
the norm, a large fraction of stellar objects
in a galaxy actually belong to binary or even
triple systems. Multistar systems are more
likely for heavier stars, with about 80% of
stars with masses 15 times larger than that
of the Sun (Msun) being in a multiple sys-
tem ( 2 ). Stars with masses >20Msun are ex-
tremely short-lived, with a typical life span
shorter than 10 million years. During their
brief existence, massive stars in tight binary
systems interact with the companion in sev-
eral ways. For example, one of the two stars
may transfer part of its matter to the other,
changing the mass ratio and other orbital
properties of the system. Tides can arise
when the gravity force exerted by one star
onto the other varies substantially from one
point of the stars’ surface to another, result-
ing in a tidal pull. Tides tend to align their
rotation axes perpendicularly to the orbital
plane of the system.
The death of a massive star, often accom-
panied by a formidable supernova explosion,
is expected to leave behind a very compact
and massive stellar object, such as a black
hole. Because of the powerful asymmetric
mass ejection, the newborn black hole re-
ceives what is known as a “natal kick.” This
kick might tilt the black hole’s rotation axis,
misaligning it with respect to the axis of the
A crooked spinning black hole
New observations challenge the current understanding
of black hole formation
plane axis
Accretion disk
Black hole
spin axis
Black hole
A tilted black hole spinning in a binary system
Astronomers have observed a black hole that spins along an axis strongly misaligned
with the orbital plane of the binary system MAXI J1820+070. This challenges current models
on the formation of black holes generated by supernovae.
25 FEBRUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6583 821