sible to enhance the scintillation
yield and control the emitted light
spectrum. However, to design
nanophotonics-enhanced scintil-
lation requires a comprehensive
understanding of the complex
process involving both electron
and photon dynamics.
Roques-Carmes et al. provide
a complete model for the entire
scintillation process involving
the use of nanophotonic struc-
tures. They modeled the process
of electron excitation as a result
of the incoming high-energy par-
ticles, as well as the subsequent
excitation and spatial transporta-
tion of secondary electrons ( 6 ).
The model can produce the den-
sity distribution of the nonequi-
librium secondary electrons that
is responsible for the ultimate
scintillation. To model the radia-
tive decay of these electrons at
specific crystal defect sites where
scintillation occurs, the model
also computes the electronic lev-
els of these defect sites and mod-
els the radiative transition ( 7 ) be-
tween these electronic levels.
From these electronic simula-
tions, the scintillation source can
be described as a spatial distri-
bution of fluctuating dipoles that results
from the radiative transition. Although
the light emission from fluctuating dipoles
can be modeled, in principle, using a typi-
cal electromagnetic field solver that solves
Maxwell’s equations ( 8 ), this brute force
approach is computationally costly and
often impractical. Roques-Carmes et al.
simplify this computation process by ex-
ploiting electromagnetic reciprocity, which
states that the relationship between a fluc-
tuating dipole and the resulting electric
field remains the same if their positions
are interchanged ( 9 ). Based on this ex-
ploit, the emission enhancement can then
be computed by simulating the absorption
of an electromagnetic plane wave. Finally,
the scintillation can be described by com-
bining emission-enhancement distribution
obtained from photonic simulations with
the power of the scintillation source as ob-
tained from electronic simulations.
Based on their framework of theoreti-
cal modeling, Roques-Carmes et al. design
and demonstrate several nanophotonics-
enhanced scintillators (see the figure). In
one set of experiments, they investigate
the scintillation from a silicon-on-silica
device bombarded by an electron beam.
Scintillation in the device is emitted by
the defects in the silica layer ( 10 ), and the
silicon layer is designed to provide scintil-
lation enhancement. They compare results
from similar scintillators where the silicon
layer is uniform with the enhanced ver-
sion where the silicon layer has a lattice
of specially patterned cuts. The scintilla-
tion emission from the patterned samples
shows very strong and wavelength-depen-
dent enhancement. Overall, the patterned
sample shows up to sixfold enhancement
compared with the sample that has the
unstructured silicon layer, with the addi-
tional ability to tune the scintillation spec-
tra by changing the cut depth. Electronic
dynamics can also play a role in control-
ling the scintillation process. The authors
also measure the scintillation emission in
both red and green wavelength ranges. By
changing either the energy or the power
of the incident free electrons, the ratio of
green to red scintillation peak powers can
be controlled, which can be understood by
using the rate equations to describe the
microscopic transition dynamics.
In another set of experiments, Roques-
Carmes et al. demonstrate a roughly nine-
fold enhancement over the measured scin-
tillation spectrum in a patterned
cerium-doped yttrium aluminum
garnet scintillator under x-ray
compared with an unpatterned
sample. The higher efficiency is
beneficial for scintillation appli-
cations where x-ray exposure is of
concern. Moreover, by using the
inverse-design technique ( 11 ) to-
gether with electromagnetic reci-
procity, further enhancements
beyond what has been demon-
strated in the experiments may
be achievable. For both experi-
ments, their results show good
agreement with the back-to-back
theoretical modeling that incor-
porates both electronic and pho-
tonic processes.
The demonstrated nanopho-
tonic scintillators show that one
can engineer and enhance the per-
formance of a given scintillating
material through nanostructures.
The work of Roques-Carmes et
al. points to new possibilities for
applications ranging from high-
resolution x-ray detectors used
in medical imaging to efficient
ultraviolet-light sources. The de-
veloped comprehensive theoreti-
cal framework can be applied to
explore other light-emission phe-
nomena, such as harmonic generation and
surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy,
where the understanding of both electron
and photon dynamics is important. Finally,
the present theoretical framework relies
upon the use of reciprocity. It is known
that nonreciprocal nanophotonic struc-
tures can exhibit unusual thermal emis-
sion ( 12 ) and cathodoluminescence ( 13 )
properties. It may therefore be of interest
to explore scintillation in nonreciprocal
nanophotonic structures. j
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Ginzton Laboratory, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
Email: [email protected]
X-ray Light
Electrons Light
Patterned silicon
Silica (scintillating)
Silicon substrate
Cerium-doped yttrium
aluminum garnet
25 FEBRUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6583 823
Improving scintillator capabilities with cutouts
By stacking patterned cutouts of silicon on a silica layer and creating
patterned dimples on cerium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet, researchers
improved the efficiency of, and offered wavelength-dependent tunability to,
the two scintillation devices.