SCIENCE 25 FEBRUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6583 830-A
By Scott B. Biering
he Flaviviridae are a fam-
ily of medically impor-
tant viral pathogens that
include dengue virus se-
rotypes 1 to 4 (DENV1 to
DENV4) as well as Zika virus (ZIKV),
West Nile virus (WNV), and yellow fever vi-
rus (YFV). Together, these mosquito-borne
human pathogens impose a tremendous
global disease burden (ranging from non-
severe to potentially fatal cases) with dev-
astating economic effects ( 1 ). Almost half
of the world’s population lives within the
tropical and subtropical habitats of the
Aedes mosquito vectors that transmit these
viruses. As global temperatures continue
to climb, the habitats of Aedes will expand
further, resulting in even more people being
at risk for flavivirus infection. Thus, the de-
velopment of therapeutics and vaccines to
treat or prevent severe flavivirus infections
is urgently needed.
There are currently no flavivirus thera-
peutics available, and the lone licensed
dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia, is approved
only for individuals with preexisting
DENV immunity because of the risk of
predisposing DENV-naïve recipients to se-
vere disease, presumably from antibody-
dependent enhancement (ADE) ( 2 , 3 ). This
risk of vaccine-induced ADE is a problem
for all current dengue vaccine candidates
because they target the envelope (E) pro-
tein, making the production of a vaccine
challenging. Targeting other viral proteins
that contribute to severe disease is now a
major avenue of investigation ( 4 ). Further,
a pan-flavivirus therapeutic or vaccine di-
rected to a conserved viral protein critical
for disease is highly attractive given the
prevalence of multiple flaviviruses in many
Aedes-endemic areas. Previous work from
my team’s laboratory and others has impli-
cated the flavivirus nonstructural protein 1
(NS1) as such a target ( 5 , 6 ).
NS1 is well conserved among flaviviruses,
exhibiting 20 to 40% identity and 60 to 80%
similarity. This protein is essential for viral
replication as an intracellular dimer and is
secreted from infected cells as a
hexamer containing lipid cargo
( 7 , 8 ). Secreted NS1 circulates in
the blood of infected individu-
als, where it is used clinically for
diagnosis and as a biomarker of
disease severity ( 9 ). NS1 also
functions as a virulence factor through in-
teractions with immune cells, leading to the
secretion of proinflammatory and vasoac-
tive cytokines as well as interactions with
endothelial cells, which result in endothe-
lial barrier dysfunction and vascular leak
( 5 , 6 , 10 – 12 ). A cytokine storm and vascular
leak are hallmarks of severe DENV infec-
tion ( 13 ). My colleagues and I have shown
that multiple flavivirus NS1 proteins can
trigger vascular leak independently of viral
infection ( 14 ). Further, immunization and
passive transfer of anti-NS1 antibodies pro-
tects mice from lethal flavivirus challenge,
making NS1 a promising target for thera-
peutic intervention against pan-flavivirus
infection with no risk of ADE ( 5 , 15 , 16 ).
In 2021, we published a proof of concept
for achieving pan-flavivirus protection, re-
porting the structural basis of protection
of a pan-flavivirus anti-NS1 monoclonal
antibody (mAb) 2B7 ( 17 ). This antibody was
isolated from mice immunized with DENV2
NS1 as part of an immunology course taught
at the University of California, Berkeley, by
P. Robert Beatty in conjunction with the
laboratory of Eva Harris more than 20 years
ago. Today, our laboratory and many others
frequently use 2B7 as a molecular tool to
study DENV. As the role of flavivirus NS1 in
promoting pathogenesis became apparent,
we investigated whether 2B7 could protect
against lethal vascular leak syndrome in
our mouse model and found that it did ( 17 ).
To investigate the mechanism by which 2B7
inhibits NS1 pathogenesis, we teamed up
with Janet Smith, an expert NS1 structural
biologist at the University of Michigan,
to resolve a crystal structure of NS1 com-
plexed with 2B7. We reasoned that visual-
izing the interaction between NS1 and 2B7
could elucidate why 2B7 was protective and
potentially how NS1 contributes to disease.
Structures of DENV NS1 in complex with
2B7 revealed the possibility that 2B7 may
inhibit two domains of NS1 at once.
Flavivirus NS1 has three domains, includ-
ing the amino-terminal β-roll, the wing do-
One antibody to treat them all
Conserved flavivirus protein holds potential as target for
versatile vaccines and therapies
Division of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, School of
Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley,
CA 94720, USA. Email: [email protected]
Scott Biering
Scott Biering
degrees from
the University
of California, Los Angeles, and
a PhD in microbiology from
the University of Chicago. He is
currently a postdoctoral scholar
at the University of California,
Berkeley, in the laboratory of
Eva Harris. His present research
investigates the role of viral
proteins like flavivirus nonstruc-
tural protein 1 (NS1) and SARS-
CoV-2 spike (S) in inducing viral
pathogenesis and promoting
viral dissemination.