Science - USA (2022-02-25)

(Maropa) #1
SCIENCE 25 FEBRUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6583 830-B

By Lisa Wagar


he investigation of how
the specialized microen-
vironment of lymphoid
tissues regulates adaptive
immune responses forms
the foundation of my laboratory’s re-
search. At present, I am using human tonsil
organoids to predict immunogenicity and
immunodominance for vaccines and infec-
tious diseases and then leveraging this new
information to improve vaccine design. We
are also using tumor organoids (derived from
primary human biopsies or excisional surger-
ies) to investigate the dynamics of tumor–
immune cell interactions to dissect the mech-
anisms by which immunotherapies contrib-
ute to tumor control.
At present, there are two major chal-
lenges that limit our ability to rationally de-
sign new immune therapeutics for humans.
First, although numerous animal models
exist to study adaptive immunity, translat-
ing these foundational discoveries into vac-
cines and immunotherapies remains ineffi-
cient. Vaccine efficacy for some of the most
well-studied human pathogens (e.g., HIV,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Plasmodium
falciparum, influenza) ranges from 0 to
60%, indicating our inability to predict in
vivo immunogenicity on the basis of pre-
clinical data. The second major challenge
is that most preclinical studies fail to ad-
equately account for the extent of interindi-
vidual immune variation. I have studied the
effects of demographic and environmental
factors (e.g., age, sex, immune history, mi-
crobial environment) on human adaptive
immunity and repeatedly found that they
play a crucial role ( 1 – 3 ). Studying this vari-
ability can help us to understand why some
people respond differently to the same drug
as well as to develop more broadly effective
immune therapeutics. Immune organoids
are an optimal strategy to overcome these
challenges because they enable us to study
the factors that contribute to adaptive im-
munity in a high-throughput way while
controlling for interindividual variation.
Organoid technologies have revolution-
ized our ability to study complex tissues

in a physiologically relevant
microenvironment. Immune
organoid models offer a dis-
tinctive opportunity to track
the early events in lymphoid
tissues that lead to protective
responses. In the laboratory,
we use tonsils as a source of accessible
lymph node–like tissues from humans.
Tonsillectomy surgeries are common, and
the excised tissue is usually discarded.
Lymph nodes are one of the most impor-
tant tissue types for understanding the
maturation of vaccine-induced adaptive
immunity. Tonsils are exposed to both res-
piratory and alimentary antigens and are a
key access point for studying the response
to both oral and nasal vaccines. We devel-
oped an immune organoid model, derived
from primary human lymphoid tissues
(principally tonsils but also lymph nodes
and spleen), to improve the translational
value of preclinical vaccine studies and to
increase our appreciation of how interin-
dividual differences contribute to immune
variation ( 4 ). Our organoids are derived
from tonsil tissue collected from children
(≥2 years old) and adults of ethnically di-
verse backgrounds, with males and females
represented equally. Tonsils are collected
from relatively healthy individuals, but we
do not exclude those with common condi-
tions such as diabetes and heart disease.
We are now screening a large panel of US
Food and Drug Administration–approved
vaccines in tonsil organoids to build an
integrated model of vaccine immunogenic-
ity and make predictions about the magni-
tude and quality of the response in people.
Previous techniques for producing in vi-
tro models of human adaptive immunity,
though successful, have not been widely
adopted because of reliance on specialized
equipment, challenging technical protocols,
poor throughput, a lack of evidence for an-
tigen-specific responses, and/or the absence
of cells known to be crucial to important fea-
tures of adaptive immunity ( 5 – 12 ). Contrary
to previous immune organoid methods, our
tonsil organoid system holistically captures
the original cell composition and complete
functional capabilities of donor tissues.
Research published last year details how
these immune organoids respond to influ-
enza and other viral vaccines and patho-


Small centers of defense

Deciphering immune responses to viruses and vaccines

using human tonsil organoids

Institute for Immunology, University of California, Irvine,
PHOTO: ANDREW SORN Irvine, CA 92697, USA. Email: [email protected]

Lisa Wagar
Lisa Wagar
a BSc from
the University
of Ontario
Institute of Technology and
a PhD from the University of
Toronto. After completing her
postdoctoral fellowship at
Stanford University, she started
her laboratory in 2020 in the
Department of Physiology and
Biophysics at the University
of California, Irvine, where she is
currently an assistant profes-
sor. Her research focuses on
translational human immunol-
ogy and the use of organoids
to understand the complex
interactions that occur between
immune cells upon vaccination
and infection in humans.


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