Science - USA (2022-02-25)

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AAAS Officeof Philanthropy andStrategicPartnerships•1200 New Yo rk Avenue, NW•Washington, DC 20005USA

Goingall theway back to 1848,ourfoundingyear, the American

Associationfor the Advancementof Science (AAAS) hasbeen

deeplycommitted to advancingscience, engineeringand

innovationaroundtheworld for thebenefitof all people.

To day, we are dedicated to advocatingfor science andscientific

evidence to be fullyandpositively integrated into publicpolicy and

for thecommunity to speak withonevoice to advance science and

engineeringin theUnited States andaroundtheworld.

By makingAAAS a beneficiary of your will,trust, retirementplan

or life insurance policy, you will becomea memberof our 1848

Society andwill helpfuelourwork on behalfof science andsociety

  • includingpublishingtheworld’s most promising,innovative

research in theSciencefamilyof journalsandengagingin the

issues thatmatter locally, nationallyandaroundtheworld.

“As a teacherandinstructor, I bearresponsibility for the
youngergenerations. If you haveextra resources, concentrate
themonorganizations, like AAAS,thatare doingworkfor all.”

—Prof. ElisabethErvin-Blankenheim,1848 Society member

If you intendto includeAAAS in your estate plans, provide this
informationto your lawyer orfinancialadviser:

Legal Name:American Associationfor the Advancementof Science
Federal Tax ID Number:53-01 96568
Address:1200 New Yo rk Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005

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AAAS, cut outandreturntheform below or send an emailto
[email protected]. Additionaldetailsare also available


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