Science - USA (2022-02-25)

(Maropa) #1

materials, nanophotonic structures, and HEPs,
solving for the process end-to-end using first-
principles methods. The electron-beam and
x-ray scintillation experiments provide the
proof-of-concept tests of the promising pros-
pects of this field. Our work may open a
panoply of exciting applications, from high-
resolution, low-dose x-ray imaging to efficient
UV electron beamÐpumped light sources.


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Roques-Carmeset al.,Science 375 , eabm9293 (2022) 25 February 2022 7of8

TEM Grid on scotch tape Flower bud


Fig. 5. X-ray scintillation imaging with nanophotonic scintillators.(AandB) Measured x-ray
images of a TEM grid on scotch tape (A) and a flower bud (B). The white square delimits the PhC area.
(CandD) Flat field–corrected zoom-in of the x-ray image in the PhC area. Geometric magnification
on those images is ~2. Relative to the unpatterned regions, the images are brighter above the PhC
region, showing no evident decrease in resolution. The particular nanophotonic scintillator used for this
experiment was patterned over an area of 430 μm × 430 μm and resulted in a scintillation enhancement
of ×2.3 (measured with respect to an unpatterned scintillator of same thickness). All signals were
recorded with x-ray source settings of 60 kVp, 5 W.


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