501 Geometry Questions

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Set 41

  1. a= 2.SU+ UV= ZY. SU= UV. Since SU= 1 as demonstrated in
    question 204, ZY = 1 + 1 = 2.

  2. Acute.ΔZSY is an isosceles triangle. Two of its sides measure
    5  2 . The third side measures 2. Plug the given measures into the
    Pythagorean theorem. 2^2 + (5 2 )^2 = (5 2 )^2. Thus, 4 + 50 = 50;
    54 > 50. Therefore, ΔZSY is acute.

Set 42

  1. x= 13.Even though you don’t know the measurement of xin
    ΔABF, you do know that two sides measure x. Plug the measure-
    ments of ΔABF into the Pythagorean theorem. x^2 + x^2 = (13 2 )^2.
    2 x^2 = 338. x^2 = 169. x= 13.

  2. AG =^162 ^9. Since AG≅BGand ∠AGB = 90°, plug “a” into the
    Pythagorean theorem for both legs: a^2 + a^2 = 13^2 , 2a^2 = 169,
    a= ^162 ^9.

  3. 26  2  + 2. The ratio between corresponding line segments AEand
    FEis 13 2  + 1:1. Since FD= 2, AC is twice the size of AE.

Set 43

  1. ΔAFE and ΔBGE are congruent (Side-Side-Side postulate).
    ΔABF and ΔBCG are congruent (Side-Side-Side postulate).

  2. w= 21.Plug the measurements of ΔECD into the Pythagorean
    theorem: 3^2 + w^2 = (15 2 )^2. 9 + w^2 = 450. w^2 = 441. w= 21.

  3. x= 7.Corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent
    (CPCTC). If ECis 21, then EAis also 21. Plug the measurements
    of ΔAFE into the Pythagorean theorem: 21^2 + x^2 = (7 10 )^2.
    441 + x^2 = 490. x^2 = 49. x= 7.

  4. y= 14.Because of CPCTC, AEis also congruent to BE. If BEis
    21 and FEis 7, subtract 7 from 21 to find BF. 21 – 7 = 14.

501 Geometry Questions
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