501 Geometry Questions

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Finally, let’s discus how polygons are named by the number of sides they
have. By now you are familiar with three-sided polygons or triangles. A
regular triangle is an equilateral triangle. A four-sided polygon is called a
quadrilateral. A regular quadrilateral is a square. Polygons with five sides
or more take special prefixes. Study these names below:
Five-sided PENTAgon
Six-sided HEXAgon
Seven-sided HEPTAgon
Eight-sided OCTAgon
Nine-sided NONAgon
Ten-sided DECAgon
Twelve-sided DODECAgon

SET 44

State whether the object is or is not a polygon and why. (Envision
each of these objects as simply as possible, otherwise there will always
be exceptions.) If the object is a polygon, name the polygon as specif-
ically as possible.

  1. a picture frame for a 57 photo

  2. Manhattan’s grid of city blocks

  3. branches of a tree

  4. the block letter “M” carved into the tree

  5. half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that was cut diagonally
    into equal parts

  6. a balloon

  7. a stop sign

  8. lace

501 Geometry Questions
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