501 Geometry Questions

(Jacob Rumans) #1


Set 44

  1. Rectangle.A frame is a quadrilateral with four 90-degree angles.

  2. Not a polygon.A grid is not a polygon because its lines intersect
    at points that are not endpoints.

  3. Not a polygon.Branches are open, and they “branch” out at
    points that are also not endpoints.

  4. Concave Dodecagon. A block letter is a closed multi-sided figure;
    each of its line segments begin and end at an endpoint. A block
    letter “M” will not have any curves and it will have 12 sides and
    three interior angles that exceed 180°.

  5. Triangle If the bread was square to begin, then it would be a right
    isosceles triangle. If it was a rectangular slice of bread then it
    would be a right scalene triangle.

  6. Not a polygon. A balloon is either round or oval, but it does not
    have straight sides with vertices.

  7. Regular octagon.A stop sign is an 8-sided polygon with all sides
    of equal length.

  8. Not a polygon.Like the human face, lace is very intricate. Unlike
    the human face, lace has lots of line segments that meet at lots of
    different points.

Set 45

  1. Hexagon ABCDOE.As long as you list the vertices in
    consecutive order, any one of these names will do: BCDOEA,
    ABCDOE is concave because the measurement of vertex O
    exceeds 180°.

501 Geometry Questions
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