501 Geometry Questions

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Three diagonals can be drawn from vertex O: OA, OB, OC.
    ODand OEare not diagonals; they are sides.

  2. 720°. Three diagonals can be drawn from vertex O, so there are
    four triangles created. Therefore, the sum of the interior angles of
    this 6-sided polygon is 180(4) = 720°.

Set 46

  1. Heptagon ORLMNPQ.As long as you list their vertices in
    consecutive order, any one of these names will do: RLMNPQO,
    ORLMNPQ is concave because vertex N exceeds 180°.

  2. Four diagonals can be drawn from vertex O: OL, OM, ON,

  3. 900°. Four diagonals can be drawn from vertex O, so there are five
    triangles created. Therefore, the sum of the interior angles of this
    7-sided polygon is 180(5) = 900°.

Set 47

  1. Octagon SUVWXOYZ.If you list every vertex in consecutive
    order, then your name for the polygon given is correct. Also,
    octagon SUVWXOYZ is concave.The measures of vertices U,
    W, O and Z exceed 180°.

  2. Five diagonals can be drawn from vertex O: OZ, OS, OU,
    OV, OW.

  3. 1080°. Five diagonals can be drawn from vertex O, so there are six
    triangles created. Therefore, the sum of the interior angles of this
    8-sided polygon is 180(6) = 1080°.

Set 48

  1. Nonagon HIJKLMNOP.List every vertex in consecutive order
    and your answer is correct. Also, nongon HIJKLMNOP is
    regular and convex.

501 Geometry Questions
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