501 Geometry Questions

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. The heightof a triangle is always
    a. equal to the apothem
    b.equal to the width of a length of the rectangle into which it is
    c. half of the base of the triangle
    d.a line segment from the base to a vertex, forming a 90-degree

  2. An apothem
    a. extends from the opposite side of a polygon.
    b.bisects the side of a polygon to which it is drawn.
    c. is drawn to a vertex of a polygon.
    d.forms half of a central angle.

Set 63

Circle whether the statements below are true or false.

  1. A rhombus with adjacent sides that measure 5 feet has the same
    area as a square with adjacent sides that measure 5 feet.
    True or False.

  2. A rectangle with adjacent sides that measure 5 feet and 10 feet has
    the same area as a parallelogram with adjacent sides that measure 5
    feet and 10 feet. True or False.

  3. A rectangle with adjacent sides that measure 5 feet and 10 feet has
    twice the area of a square with adjacent sides that measure 5 feet.
    True or False.

  4. A parallelogram with adjacent sides that measure 5 feet and 10 feet
    has twice the area of a rhombus whose height is equal to the height
    of the parallelogram and whose adjacent sides measure 5 feet.
    True or False.

  5. A triangle with a base of 10 and a height of 5 has a third the area of
    a trapezoid with base lengths of 10 and 20 and a height of 5.
    True or False.

501 Geometry Questions
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