501 Geometry Questions

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. False. A parallelogram is not a rectangle. It is a tilted rectangle
    which makes its height less than 5 feet in this example. Conseqently,
    the area of the rectangle is 50 square feet, but the area of the
    parallelogram is less than 50 square feet.

  2. Tr u e. If two squares can fit into one rectangle, then the rectangle
    has twice the area of one square.

  3. Tr u e. Like the squares and rectangle above, if two rhombuses can
    fit into one parallelogram, then the parallelogram has twice the
    area of one rhombus.

  4. True.One triangle has an area of 25 square feet. The trapezoid
    has an area that measures 75 square feet. Three triangles fit into
    one trapezoid or the area of one triangle is a third of the area of
    the trapezoid.


5 + 5 = 10



5 + 5 = 10


501 Geometry Questions
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