501 Geometry Questions

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Set 73

  1. Height= 4.1 inches.Backsolve by plugging the numbers you are
    given into the formula for volume of a right rectangular prism.

V= lwh
295.2 = (l)(w)(h)

You know from chapter 13, page 155, that the area of a rectangle is
length times width. So let the given area of 72.0 square inches take
the place of land w so you can solve for h.

295.2 = 72.0 sq. in. × h
4.1 in = h

  1. Area= 1,000 square feet.Don’t let the type of prism, nonagon,
    fool you. As long as it’s a right prism, you can use the formula
    V= (area of base)(height) to help you. In this question, backsolve
    to find the area of the base.

8,800 cubic ft. = (b)(8.8 ft)
1,000 sq. ft. = b

  1. Area= 36 3  = 62.4m^2 .If the volume of a triangular pyramid is
    72  3 cubic meters, work backwards to find the area of its
    triangular base and then the length of a side of that base
    (remember, you are working with regular polygons, so the base
    will be an equilateral triangle). 72 3 cubic meters = ^13 area of base
    ×6 meters. 72 3 cubic meters = a×2 meters. 36 3 square
    meters = a.

Set 74

  1. 25.2 meters. The perimeter of the front face and back face
    combined will be double the perimeter of the front face:
    P= 4(2.1) = 8.4, which yields 16.8 meters when doubled. Then
    there are 4 more edges that are each 2.1 meters long, which sum
    to 8.4 meters. Together, all these edge lengths sum to 25.2 meters.

501 Geometry Questions
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