501 Geometry Questions

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Set 14

Circle the correct answer True or False. It may be helpful to draw the geo-
metric situation before answering each question.

  1. Angles formed by a transversal and two parallel lines are either
    supplementary or congruent. True orFalse

  2. When four rays extend from a single endpoint, adjacent angles are
    always supplementary. True orFalse

  3. Angles supplementary to the same angle or angles with the same
    measure are also equal in measure. True orFalse

  4. Adjacent angles that are also congruent are always right angles.
    True or False

  5. Parallel and skew lines are coplanar. True orFalse

  6. Supplementary angles that are also congruent are right angles.
    True orFalse

  7. If vertical angles are acute, the angle adjacent to them must be
    obtuse. True or False

  8. Vertical angles can be reflexive. True orFalse

  9. When two lines intersect, all four angles formed are never
    congruent to each other. True orFalse

  10. The sum of interior angles formed by a pair of parallel lines
    crossed by a transversal is always 360°. True orFalse

  11. The sum of exterior angles formed by a pair of parallel lines and a
    transversal is always 360°. True orFalse

501 Geometry Questions
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