501 Geometry Questions

(Jacob Rumans) #1

When you look ina regular bathroom mirror you will see your reflec-
tion. You will be the same shape and same size. In geometry, when figures
are exact duplicates, we say they are congruent. When you look at a 3× 5
photograph of yourself, you will also look the same, but much smaller. That
3 ×5 photo could be enlarged to fit on a billboard, and then it would be a
much larger version of yourself.
In geometry, figures that are identical in all aspects of their appearance
other than size, such as the 3×5 photo of you and the enlarged billboard
image of you, are called similar. Lastly, figures that are not alike at all, like
a picture of you and a picture of your dog, are called dissimilar.

7 Congruent Triangles

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