Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

98 Intact rock

Slenderness increases,
strength decreases


Figure 6.12 The shape effect in uniaxial compression.

To predict the strength of the rock in situ, and avoid the influence of the
shape effect, we can proceed in one of two ways: improve the laboratory
test procedures; or use empirical formulae to account for the shape effect.
The main laboratory method is to use platens which reduce the confining
effect, either through brush platens (which effectively load the specimen
ends over a number of small zones, thereby reducing the volume of rock
in triaxial compression) or flatjacks (which prevent shear stresses being
transmitted between the platen and the specimen). Other laboratory
techniques involve specimen geometries which reduce the effect, for
example, axial loading of hollow cylinders. Empirical formulae are the main
engineering approach, where a numerical relation is utilized to take into
account the shape effect. In fact, these formulae can incorporate the
diameter and the length separately and hence it may not be directly clear
from the formula how to separate the size and the shape effects, should
one wish to do so.

6.4.3 Loading conditions
We have seen, with reference to the shape effect, how the loading
conditions can affect the rock behaviour in uniaxial compression. Let us
now consider the many possibilities for rock testing and illustrate some of
the terms in general use. The sketches in Fig. 6.13 show the loading
conditions in the six main testing configurations. A particular point to note
is the difference between triaxial and polyaxial compression. Over the
years, triaxial compression has come to mean a test conducted using a
pressure vessel, with the consequence that o2 = 03. This is not true triaxial
compression in the sense that all three principal stresses can be
independently applied: for this latter condition we use the term polyaxial
compression. The application of three different principal stresses is quite
difficult to achieve in practice, and hence the test is not used routinely in
rock mechanics.
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