Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

9.4 Flow through discontinuity networks

Often, in discontinuity arrays, one discontinuity will terminate against
another and it is therefore of interest, not only to be able to compute the
permeability of a set of parallel discontinuities, but also to analyse condi-
tions where two discontinuities meet, and indeed, to study the complex
discontinuity networks that are contained within rock masses.
To start, we can consider the flow at a node in a simple network, as
illustrated in Fig. 9.5. This figure indicates the notation for node, channel
and flow numbering, such that application of the continuity equation (i.e.
‘what goes in must come out’) gives

The equation given earlier for flow through a single discontinuity, i.e. Q =
cHL, can be generalized as Qij = cii(Hi - Hi) = c& - cqHj so that the
hydraulic head at the jth node can be expressed as

H. =-.

Assuming the flow in the network is laminar, Bernoulli’s equation

P V2
total head = - + z +-
Y 2g
may be applied. Generally, the velocity of the flow will be sufficiently low
to permit the velocity head term, 2/2g, to be ignored, giving


total head = - + z.

Thus, for a more complex discontinuity array, and applying this type of
analysis, we can establish the hydraulic heads at nodal points by solving

Hi = Head at node i
Q, =Flow from i to j
C,, = Conductance of channel ij

Figure 9.5 Flow at a network node.
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