Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

376 Design and analysis of underground excavations

Figure 20.17 Elliptical approximation to the 5% zone of influence from the two-
dimensional stress analysis of a circular excavation (from chapter by J. W. Bray in
Brown, 1987).

Figure 20.18 shows the two main possibilities for the interaction of
stresses between two proximate excavations. The first case shows how
stresses may be amplified between excavations. The second case shows
how stresses may be attenuated, with the production of a so-called 'stress
shadow'. In the first of these cases, the stresses at a point between the
excavations can be higher than the maximum stress induced by any single
excavation, demonstrating an overlap of the zones of influence associated
with the two excavations. This is also the case for the stress shadow, except
then the overlap represents a reduction in the in situ stress.
For two proximate circular excavations with different diameters, the
zones of influence associated with a given level of perturbation will have
different extents for each excavation, and hence different effects on their
neighbours. Consider the case of two circular excavations, one larger than
Stress increases

0 '0
t t f t t t held

  • \hadow

  • c-
    a:----o -

    • /----

  • Stre\ decrea\e\
    Figure 20.18 Amplification and attentuation of stresses between multiple excavations

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