Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Stress analysis 401

Remember the notation:

normal stress, 7 x,---- acting on a plane normal to the x-axis
shear stresses, acting on a plane normal to the x-axis


cacting in the y-direction

and also, remember the sign convention:

for normal stresses,

for shear stresses,

compression is positive;

positive stresses act in
positive directions on
negative faces.

The shear stress convention is difficult to remember. It is made easier by
realizing there are always two pluses and a minus:

on a + face a + stress acts in a - direction
on a + face a - stress acts in a + direction
on a - face a + stress acts in a + direction.

If we consider moment equilibrium of the cube around the three axes,
we find that

    • rxy - zyx ryz - rzy zzx = rxz

and so the state of stress at a point (as 6 is reduced to zero) is defined by
six independent qualities

01, oy, a,, qy, zyz, zzx.

These stresses are usually written in matrix form:

1: 2 stress tensor.

Note that because of the complementary shear stresses (Le. zxy = zyx, etc.)
the stress tensor is symmetric about the leading diagonal.

Generul stress field in three dimensions
It often happens that each component of the stress tensor varies in
magnitude from point to point within a body-they are functions of x, y
and z. If this is the case, then an element will be in equilibrium if
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