Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Stress analysis 403

If the global stresses are

what are the local stresses?

TSY, oy, 0.
Ox’ 0 Ty’x’ 0 0,. “1

If we think in terms of a small cubic element rotating about the z-axis,

Calculating of, o,, and qY, is more difficult and is done like this:

we can see that q = of.

The rotated element is positioned
over the original element such that
the vertical sides (remember it is a
cube) A and B touch two of the
original faces. If we now cut off the
prism OAB from the original ele-
ment and examine the resulting
free body diagram resolving stress
components onto resolved areas:


As usual, write down the equations of static equilibrium:

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