Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

420 Appendix A: Stress and strain analysis

au av av av av
JY aY ax ax ax

aU av au
ax JY aY

= -cos2 8 + -cos 8 sin8 - -cos 8 sin8 - -sin2 8 + -cos2 8

--cos 8sin8 + -cos 0 sin8 - - sin2 8

I :. y& = y, (cos’ 8 - sin’ e) - 2(&, - ~y) cos 8 sin 8. 1

Note the similarity with T&.

The strain tensor

e,, = E,, eyy = ~y, and e, = ?h Y,




y, is referred to as engineering shear strain.
ev is referred to as mathematical shear strain.

exx = -- au , eyy - av , exy =--[--+-I 1 au av
ax aY 2 ay ax

eby = e,, sin’ 8 + en cos’ e - 2e, cos e sin e

Note that these are identical to the stress transformation equations.

Example. Given
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