Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

432 Appendix 6: Hemispherical projection

plane that passes through the origin (i.e. the centre of the sphere), assuming
the point of projection is the North Pole of the sphere:

North Pole

/' \ plane

/\ : oniu norizontal


hemisphere vector

All points on the lower hemisphere can be projected in this way. This type
of projection is called equal angle projection and is used exclusively in rock
mechanics for engineering.

Equal angle projection of a plane: great circles
We regularly use planes in rock mechanics analyses and so it is important
to determine the projection of such features.
The mathematics of the projection are tedious, but the result is simple:
a circular arc is developed.

Plane of projection

......... 0
Inclined plane '...
passing through
origin of

projection of plane, called a great circle

Generation of small circles

If, instead of the plane itself, we consider a single vector on the plane, we
see that this vector traces a circular path on the surface of the hemisphere
as the inclination of the plane changes. The projection of this trace is
called a small circle.
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