Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

434 Appendix 0: Hemispherical projection

Using a hemispherical projection net: plotting vectors

Never write on the net: always use a piece of tracing paper over it.
Carefully pierce the centre of the projection with a drawing pin, and then
push the pin through from the reverse side of the net. Use the point of the
pin to hold a sheet of tracing paper in place. Mark the north point as a


Mark, with a tick on the perimeter
of the net at the correct azimuth, the
vector to be plotted. Write on the
projection the orientation. Only
write on the tracing paper, not the

Rotate the tracing paper so that
the tick is on the E-W lie. Count
in an amount equal to the dip of
the vector. Mark the position of 219168
the vector. Only write on the
tracing paper, not the net.


Rotate the tracing paper back to the
datum: the position of the vector is
now correct relative to north.
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