Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Hemispherical projection methods 437

Determining the bisector of two vectors

Any two orientation vectors have a bisector (the line that is halfway
between the two of them). Because the bisector must lie in the same plane
as the other two vectors, finding its orientation is straightforward.


We start with the two points
plotted on the projection (note that
these are the normals to the planes
used in the previous example).

32H3 1

Rotate the tracing paper so that
both the vectors lie on the same
great circle: this is the plane that
they lie in. Using the small circles,
count along the great circle to
determine the angle between the
vectors. Divide this by 2, and count
from one vector to find the
bisector. Mark it.

Rotate the tracing paper so that
the bisector lies on the E-W line,
mark its azimuth and measure its
plunge. Rotate the tracing paper
back to the datum and measure
the azimuth of the bisector. Thus
we see that the bisector of 326/31
and 086154 is 008l60.

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