Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

438 Appendix 6: Hemispherical projection

Rotution ubout an urbitrury uxis

Consider this scenario: a borehole is drilled with a trend of 305" and a
plunge of 65", it intersects a plane with orientation 145/73, but the core has
rotated through 55" clockwise (looking down the hole) during recovery.
What is the apparent orientation of the discontinuity as it emerges from
the hole? The simplest way of solving these sorts of problems is to use the
net to perform the various rotations.

Start by plotting and labelling the
data: here it is BH for the vector
corresponding to the direction of
the borehole, D corresponding to
the line of maximum dip of the
plane, and N for the normal to the


Rotate the tracing paper so that
the borehole is on the E-W line.
Then move BH to the centre of
the net-in this case through an
angle of 90 - 65 = 25". Move the
normal N through the same
angle, but along the small
circle. Label the new points
145i73 BH' and N'. In effect, the net
has been inclined to be perpen-
dicular to the borehole.


Rotate the tracing paper so
that N is on the the E-W line.
Mark its azimuth and mea-
sure its dip. Count round the

rotation (55" in this case), and
put a new tick: call this N.

perimeter the amount of the N' 14sn3
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