Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

442 Index

factors 16
setting 11
geostatistics 167
Goodman borehole jack 188
Griffith criterion 109
ground response curve 384

hemispherical projection,
methods 431
using a projection net 434
Hoek-Brown criterion 110
homogeneous finite strain 73
Hopkinson bar 211
hydraulic fracturing 45

inclined hemispherical projection

infinitesimal strain 75
inhomogeneity, 166

integrated design procedures 392
internal friction, angle of 107
International Society for Rock

isotropy 81
JRC. joint roughness coefficient 129


methods, use of 341

accuracy 168
precision 168

Mechanics 1

analysis of slope instability

feasibility 323

linear creep 217
loading conditions 98
longitudinal (P waves) 210

mechanical excavation 255

mechanisms 339

mechanics of rock cutting 257
tunnel boring machines 255


mechanical properties,

stiffness of 134
strength of 137

circle of strain, 422
for strain gauge rosettes 428
circle of stress 407


Mohr-Coulomb criterion 107
Monte Carlo simulation 333

negative exponential distribution 118
creep 218
relaxation 218
normal stress components 32

orthotropic material 80

coefficient of 151
primary 151
secondary 151
persistence 127
Pillar-countxy rock interaction 387

point load test, the 179
Poisson process 118,130
primary effects of excavation 267
principal directions and principal

principal directions and principal

principal stresses, the 37
probabilistic methods 332

symmetry of 229
RES, rock engineering systems 223
rock mechanics-rock engineering

REV, representative elemental volume

rheological models,
Hookean substance 215
Kelvin model 215
Maxwell model 215,216
Newtonian substance 215
St. Venant substance 215

blasting, 243

instability 310
sliding 291

strains 421

stresses 405

interaction matrices 225,228,



ANFO, Ammonium Nitrate and
Fuel Oil 244
blasting rounds 245
explosives 247
free face 244
pre-split blasting 249
smoothwall blasting 254
stress wave and gas pressure
effects 243
successful pre-split blasting,
guidelines for^251

on the stress field, effect of 382

bolts 272

dynamics 207
engineering metal, as an 11
failure criteria 112
intact 85
mass classification,
application of RMR systems 197
links between classification
systems 200
Q-system 195
RMR, Rock Mass Rating system
SMR 200
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