The Sociology of Philosophies

(Wang) #1

10 Democedes of Croton
i 11 Ameinas (Pythagorean)

500 c.e.

12 Epicharmas
13 Hippasus (Pythagorean)
(14) Hecataeus (geographer)

Figure 3.2. Centralization of the
Greek Network in Athens, 465–365

465 b.c.e.

15 Corax (orator)
16 Tisias (same)
17 Oenopides of Chios (math,
18 Cleidemos (cosmol)
i 19 Heraclides (medicine, father
of Hippocrates)
i 20 Herodias (medicine, Cnidus)
i 21 Aegisidemus
22 Hippon (eclectic)
23 Hicetas (Pythagorean, astron)
24 Ecphantus (Pythagorean)
25 Eurytas (Pythagorean)
26 Echecrates (Pythagorean)
i 27 Simmias (Pythagorean)
i 28 Cebes (Pythagorean)
29 Alcidamas (Sophist)
30 Lycophron (Sophist)
32 Idaeus of Himera (eclectic
33 Thrasymachus
34 Xeniades (Sophist)
35 Theodorus (math)
36 Critias (patron of Sophists)

400 b.c.e.

37 Diagoras of Melos (“atheist”)
38 Cratylus
i 39 Nessos of Chios (atomist)

40 Metrodorus of Chios
(atomist, Skeptic)
41 Theaetetus (Academic, math)
42 Menaechmus (Academic,
43 Philip of Opus (Academic)
i 44 Hemodorus (Academic)
i 45 Histaeus (Academic)
46 Theudus (Academic)

Figure 3.4. Proliferation and
Recombination of the Greek
Schools, 400–200 b.c.e.
365 b.c.e.
i 47 Aethiops of Ptolemas
i 48 Antipater of Cyrene (Cyrenaic)
49 Arete (Cyrenaic, daughter of
i 50 Epitimides of Cyrene
i 51 Parabates of Cyrene (Cyrenaic)
52 Aristippus the younger
(Cyrenaic systematizer, son of
53 Anchipylus (Elis/Eretria
54 Moschus (same)
55 Plistenos of Elis (same)
i 56 Diogenes of Smyrna 
57 Anaxarchus of Abdera
(atomist, Skeptic)
58 Nausiphanes (atomist)
59 Apollonus (Megarian)
60 Apollonus Cronos (Megarian)
61 Anneceris (Cyrenaic)
62 Alexines (Megarian)
63 Philiscus (Cynic)
64 Onesicritus (Cynic)
i 65 Asclepediades (Elis/Eretria
66 Bryson (Megarian, math)
67 Polyxenus (Megarian)

Keys to Figures • 895
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