The Sociology of Philosophies

(Wang) #1
Figure 6.2. T’ien-t’ai, Yogacara,
Hua-yen, 500–800; and
Figure 6.3. Cascade of Ch’an (Zen)
Schools, 635–935
188 Wang Yuan-chih (Taoist
charms, talismans)
189 Chou Tzu-liang (Taoist
scripture “revelations”)
190 P’an Yüan-wen (Taoist)
191 Buddhasanta (Buddhist fr.
192 Seng-ch’ou (Buddhist
meditation master)
193 Sun Wen-ming (estab. Taoist
pantheon, monasteries)
194 Hui-chiao (Buddhist biogs. of
famous monks) 
195 Liu Chou (sync. Buddhism,
Taoism, Confucianism)
196 Hsin-hsing (f. Buddhist
apocalyptic sect of Three
197 Bodhiruci (fr. India, tr.
Vasubandhu, Pure Land)
198 Ratnamati (same)
199 Hui Kuang (Buddhist
200 T’an Luan (f. Pure Land sect;
converted fr. magic Taoism)
201 Fa-shang (Store-consc. and
Pure Land)
202 Tao-chung (Store-consc.,
Northern branch)
203 Chêng Tao-chao (Buddhist,
replied to Taoist attacks by
204 Lo Ch’un-chang (same)
205 Fan-yun (Sautrantika text
206 Chih-tsang (same)
207 Sêng-min (same)
208 Hui-wen (Lotus sutra)

209 Seng-chuan (Madhyamika)
210 Fa-lang (same; crit.
Sautrantika/Sattyasidhi school)
211 Paramartha (st. India; tr.
Abhidharma realism &
Mahayana idealism)
i 212 20 minor disciples of Hui-K’o
213 Seng-ts’an (alleged Ch’an 3rd
i 214 minor disciple of Hui-K’o
215 Hui-kuan (transmitted
Madhyamika to Korea, Japan)
216 Tao-cho (T’ien-T’ai monk,
Pure Land proselytizer)
i 217 Kuang-ting (recorded Chih-I’s
218 Shan-tao (Pure Land)
219 Fa-chung (Buddhist)
220 Tao-hsin (Ch’an)
221 Fa-shun (Hua-yen, imperial
222 Yüeh Tai (ed. Mo Tzu) 
223 Wei Chêng (Confucian,
imperial librarian) 
224 Wang T’ung (Confucian) 
225 Kung Ying Ta (cm. 5 Agents,
Yi Ching) 
226 Lü Ts’ai (5 Agents, skeptical
preface on divination) 
227 Fu Yi (Confucian, won court
debate vs. Buddhist
228 Chih-Yen (Hua-yen)
229 Siksananda (fr. Khotan, tr.)
230 Divakara (fr. India, tr.)
231 Divaprajña (same)
232 Li T’ung-hsuan (Hua-yen,
Buddhist salvation)
233 Kuei-chi (completed
Abhidharma realist system;
systematized Yogacara)

912 • (^) Appendix 3

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