The Sociology of Philosophies

(Wang) #1
278b Lü Yen (Taoist reformer,
spiritual alchemy,
Buddhist-style meditation)
279 Kuei-Shan Ling-yu (Ch’an; f.
Kuei-Shan sect)
280 Hsueh-fêng (Ch’an)
281 Ta-Yu (Ch’an)
i 282 Mu-chou (Ch’an)
283 Yang-shan Hui-chi (Ch’an, f.
Kuei-Yang sect: meditation on
circular symbols)
284 Hsiang-yen Chih-hsien (Ch’an)
285 Shih-pei (Ch’an)
286 Ts’ao Shan Pen-Chi (f. Ch’an
Ts’ao-Tung sect; incorp.
Hua-yen, doctrine of “5
287 Ts’ao-shan Hui-Hsia
288 Chin-feng Ts’ung-chih
289 Fa Yen (Ch’an, f. Fa-yen sect;
incl. Hua-yen)
290 Nan-yüan Hui-yung (1st used
291 Yung-ming (sync. Ch’an &
Pure Land, scriptures)
292 T’ien-tai Te-shao (sync. Ch’an
& T’ien-t’ai)

Figure 6.4. Neo-Confucian
Movement and the Winnowing of
Zen, 935–1265
293 Fen-yang
294 Ta-yang
295 Chih-yuan (Buddhist,
Taoist/Confucian syncretism)
296 Ch’ung Fan (Taoist
297 T’an Ch’iao (Taoist
298 Hsing Ping (Confucian) 

299 Mu Hsin (Taoist numerologist)
300 Li Chih-tsai (numerologist)
301 Li Kai (same)
302 Fan O-ch’ang (same)
303 Liu Mu (same)
i 304 Shou Yai (Buddhist)
305 Hsüeh-tou (koan compiler
and poet)
306 Shih-shuang
307 Yang-chi Fang-hui (f. Ch’an
308 Huang-lung Hui-nan (f.
Ch’an sect)
309 T’ou-tzu (revived Ch’an
Ts’ao-Tung [Soto] sect,
310 Ch’i-Sung (Buddhist monk,
Taoist/Confucian syncretism)
i 311 Ch’eng Hsiang (father of
Ch’eng brothers)
312 Ch’eng Pen (Taoist) 
313 Fan Chung-yen (political
reformer, orthodox Confucian)
314 Ouyang Hsiu (politician,
historian, poet)
315 Sun Fu (Confucian)
(316) Mei Yao-Ch’en (poet)
317 Su Hsun (poet, father of 319
and Su Shih; all in Szechuan
faction, anti-reform and
318 Chang Po-tuan (f. Taoist sect,
spiritual alchemy) 
319 Su Ch’e (poet and politician;
polit. tolerance)
320 Shih Chieh (poet,
anti-Buddhist and anti-Taoist)
321 Fan Tsu-yü (Confucian
textual cm.)
322 Lü Ta-lin (moved fr. Chang
Tsai school to Ch’eng school
after death of Chang Tsai)

914 • (^) Appendix 3

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