(Michael S) #1
RRaacchhaaeell JJaammeess

Cardiology SpR, The Royal Sussex County Hospital Brighton,

Brighton, UK

RRooyy MM JJoohhnn

Associate Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory, Lahey

Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, MA, USA

RRoobbiinn KKaannaaggaassaabbaayy

SpR Cardiothoracic Surgery, St George’s Hospital Medical School,

London, UK

RRAA KKeennnnyy

Head of Department of Medicine (Geriatric), University of

Newcastle Upon Tyne, Institute for Health of the Elderly, Royal

Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

BBrreennddaann MMaaddddeenn

Consultant Cardiothoracic and Transplant Surgeon, Cardiothoracic

Transplant Unit, St George’s Hospital, London, UK

KKeennnneetthh WW MMaahhaaffffeeyy

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Duke Clinical Research Institute,

Durham, NC, USA

NNiiaallll GG MMaahhoonn

Specialist Registrar in Cardiology, St George’s Hospital Medical

School, London, UK

JJoosseepphh FF MMaalloouuff

Associate Professor, Mayo Medical School, and Consultant, Division

of Cardiovascular Diseases and Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic,

Rochester, Minnesota, USA

RRiicchhaarrdd MMaannssffiieelldd

Lecturer in Cardiology, Cardiovascular Repair and Remodeling

Group, Middlesex Hospital, London, UK

WW MMccKKeennnnaa

Registrar in Cardiology, St George’s Hospital Medical School,

London, UK

HHuugghh MMoonnttggoommeerryy

Honorary Consultant, UCL Hospitals Intensive Care Unit, and

Lecturer in Cardiovascular Genetics, UCL Hospitals, London, UK

xiv 100 Questions in Cardiology
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