(Michael S) #1
The diagnostic yield from cardiac electrophysiology ranges

from 14–70%. This variability is primarily dependent on the char-

acteristics of patients studied, in particular the absence or

presence of co-morbid cardiovascular disease.^12 Thus despite the

use of investigations such as head up tilt testing, ambulatory

cardiac monitoring, external loop recorders and electro-

physiological testing, the underlying cause of syncope remains

unexplained and continues to pose a diagnostic problem.

The implantable loop recorder (ILR) is a new diagnostic tool to

add to the strategies for investigation of unexplained syncope.^12 It

permits long term cardiac monitoring to capture the ECG during a

spontaneous episode in patients without recurrence in a

reasonable time frame. It should be considered in those who have

already completed the above outlined investigations that have

proved negative, and in those in whom the external loop recorder

has not yielded a diagnosis in one month. The ILR is implanted

under local anaesthetic via a small incision usually in the left

pectoral region. It has the ability to “freeze” the current and

preceding rhythm for up to 40 minutes after a spontaneous event

and thus allows the determination of the cause of syncope in most

patients in whom symptoms are due to an arrhythmia. The

activation device, used by the patient, family member or friend

freezes and stores the loop during and after a spontaneous

syncopal episode. This is retrievable at a later stage using a

standard pacemaker programmer. The ILR specifically monitors

heart rate changes. Hypotensive syndromes including vasovagal

syncope, orthostatic hypotension, post-prandial hypotension and

vasodepressor carotid sinus hypersensivity may also cause

syncope. An ability to record blood pressure variation in addition

to heart rate changes during symptoms would be a very helpful

and exciting addition to the investigation of people with syncope.

1 Brady PA, Shen WK. Syncope evaluation in the elderly. Am J Geriatr
Cardiol1999; 88 : 115–24.
2 Kapoor W. Syncope in older persons. J Am Geriatr Soc1994; 4422 : 426–36.
3 Lipsitz L. Syncope in the elderly. Ann Intern Med1983; 9999 : 92–105.
4 Kapoor W. Diagnostic evaluation of syncope. Am J Med1991; 9900 : 91–106.
5 Gibson TC, Heitzman MK. Diagnostic efficacy of 24 hour electro-
cardiographic monitoring for syncope. Am J Cardiol1984; 5533 : 1013–17.
6 Clark PI, Glasser SO, Spoto E. Arrhythmias detected by ambulatory
monitoring; lack of correlation with symptoms of dizziness and
syncope. Chest1990; 7777 : 722–5.

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