(Michael S) #1
by 10–20%. Fibrates also lower LDL cholesterol in primary hyper-

cholesterolaemia (type IIa hyperlipidaemia) by 15–25%. They are

first line treatment for severe hypertriglyceridaemia and (in

combination with statins) in severe mixed lipaemia. They are

second line drugs in patients intolerant of statins for hyper-

cholesterolaemia and mixed lipaemia. Data from end point clinical

trials are not extensive and concerns over fibrate safety have

remained since the original WHO clofibrate trial which was asso-

ciated with increased non-CHD deaths. However the Helsinki

Heart Study showed a positive outcome and the recent VA HIT

trial, again with gemfibrozil, was positive. However the recent

secondary BIP prevention study with bezafibrate was negative.

HHiigghh ddoossee ffiisshh ooiill ccaappssuulleesshave a role in the treatment of

severe hypertriglyceridaemia. They reduce hepatic VLDL output.

In practice they are used in combination with fibrates and

occasionally statins. The author has also used them in rare

patients with familial hypertriglyceridaemia during pregnancy to

protect against pancreatitis.

FFuurrtthheerr rreeaaddiinngg
Betteridge DJ, Morrell JM. Clinicians’ guide to lipids and coronary heart
disease.London: Chapman & Hall Medical, 1998.
Betteridge DJ, Illingworth DR, Shepherd J, eds. Lipoproteins in health and
disease.London: Edward Arnold, 1999.

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