(Michael S) #1
days. An elevated troponin T has a predictive value for

myocardial ischaemia several times higher than CK-MB mass.

Troponin T as a diagnostic tool

Troponin T can be used both as a diagnostic and a prognostic tool

in the Accident and Emergency Department. Repeated troponin

assays taken 4–6 hours apart have been used to successfully

identify all patients with MI even in the absence of ST

elevation.^1 Individuals who were troponin T negative were shown

to be at low short term risk. Troponin T accurately reflects the

degree of myocardial necrosis with the overall risk of death

following an ACS being directly related to the levels detected.

Data from the Fragmin During Instability in Coronary Artery

Disease trial (FRISC) demonstrated that patients with the highest

levels of troponin T following an ACS carried the highest risk of

death and MI, in contrast to those who were troponin T negative

who were at low risk.^2 A subset from the GUSTO IIa trial had

similar findings for non-ST elevation ACS where troponin T

positive patients had a much higher risk of death and heart failure

than troponin T negative individuals.^3

Risk stratification

The initial step in risk stratification is an ECG. Patients with

acute ST elevation are considered to have an acute MI and

require reperfusion therapy according to local protocols.

Individuals with ST depression are also at high risk and require

admission for further evaluation. The presence of a positive

troponin T in this group further confirms them as high risk. In

situations where patients present either with a normal ECG or

with T wave changes only, the value of a positive troponin T is

vital in risk stratification. All patients who are troponin T

positive should be considered as high risk, whilst in contrast, a

negative troponin T 12 hours or more after the onset of

symptoms puts the individual in a low risk group. If the result

of a negative troponin T test taken 12 hours or more after the

onset of chest pain is taken in conjunction with a pre-discharge

exercise test, this further reduces the chance of an inappropriate

discharge.^4 Figure 20.1 illustrates one possible management

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