(Michael S) #1

23 Under what circumstances should the patient

with unstable angina undergo PTCA or CABG?

Diana Holdright

Until recently, published trials and registry data comparing early

invasive and conservative strategies in patients with unstable

angina (UA) and non-Q wave myocardial infarction (NQMI)

suggested no overall benefit from an early invasive approach.

Indeed, there was the impression that patients fared better with

an initial conservative approach. However, the most recently

published trial (FRISC II),^1 reflecting modern interventional

practice, new stent technology and adjunctive medical therapies

(e.g. the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists) together with

improved bypass and myocardial preservation techniques and

greater use of arterial conduits has shown significant mortality

and morbidity benefit from an early invasive approach.

The first trial to assess these two management strategies, TIMI

IIIB, randomised patients with UA/NQMI to angiography within

24–48 hours followed by PTCA/CABG if appropriate.^2 The

primary end point of death/MI/positive treadmill test at 6 weeks

was 18.1% for the conservative strategy and 16.2% for the

invasive strategy (p = NS). Death/MI occurred in 7.8% and 7.2%

at 6 weeks (p = NS) and in 12.2% and 10.8% at 1 year (p = NS).

However, 64% of patients crossed over to the invasive strategy

because of recurrent angina or an abnormal treadmill test, raising

doubts about the clinical application of the trial results.

The VANQWISH study similarly randomised patients with

NQMI.^3 Death or non-fatal MI occurred in 7% (invasive) vs 3.2%

(conservative, p = 0.004) at hospital discharge, in 10.3% vs 5.7%

at 1 month (p = 0.0012) and in 24% vs 18.6% at 1 year (p = 0.05).

However, with longer follow up (23 months) the mortality

difference was lost. Of note, 9% of eligible patients were excluded

due to very high-risk ischaemic complications. In contrast to TIMI

IIIB, only 29% patients crossed over from the conservative arm.

The OASIS registry highlighted different management

strategies for UA by country.^4 Angiography rates varied from 2%

(Poland) to 58% (US) and 60% (Brazil) at 7 days. Rates of PTCA

and CABG by 7 days were highest in the US and Brazil (15.9%

and 11.7%) and lowest in Canada/Australia/Hungary/Poland

(5% and 1.6%). However, MI and death rates were similar for all
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