(Michael S) #1

What to give

Currently, the choice of thrombolytic varies by country and

depends especially on the type of health care system and funding

in place. In many countries, in the absence of previous

administration the first line thrombolytic is SK (1.5 million units

in 100 mls 5% dextrose/0.9% NaCl over 30–60 minutes).

Alternatively, tPA is given as a 15mg bolus followed by 50mg

over 60 minutes, then 35mg over a further 30 minutes. Based on

the GUSTO study a case can be made for tPA in those presenting

very early (<4 hours with large anterior infarcts). NNeeww ppllaass--

mmiinnooggeenn aaccttiivvaattoorrsssuch as recombinant plasminogen activator (r-

PA) and prourokinase are currently the subject of a number of

clinical studies. RReetteeppllaassee ((rrPPAA)), is a nonglycosylated deletion

mutant of wild type tPA. It is the first member of the third gener-

ation thrombolytics, has a longer half life and is given as a double

bolus (10IU + 10IU). Equivalence trials comparing tPA and

reteplase have demonstrated no difference in outcome and

currently these two drugs are interchangeable, with decisions

about use being based on availability and price.^6 LLaannootteeppllaasseehas

been withdrawn prior to launch because of patent issues and

TTNNKK--ttPPAAis being trialled against tPA (ASSENT 2).^7 Bleeding

with this new agent was between 2.8% and 7.4% dependent on

dose (ASSENT 1).^8 Data suggest that there may be a role for

“rescue” angioplasty in patients who fail to show electrocardio-

graphic evidence of reperfusion.^9 However, results of randomised

trials addressing this issue are awaited.

1 Fibrinolytic Therapy Trialists (FTT) Collaborative Group. Indications
for fibrinolytic therapy in suspected acute myocardial infarction:
collaborative overview of early mortality and major morbidity from all
randomised trials of more than 1000 patients. Lancet1994; 334433 : 311–22.
2 Feldman M, Cryer B. Aspirin absorption rates and platelet inhibition
times with 325mg buffered aspirin tablets (chewed or swallowed
whole) and with buffered aspirin solution. Am J Cardiol1999; 8844 :
3 LATE Study Group. Late assessment of thrombolytic efficiency (LATE)
study with alteplase 6–24 hours after onset of acute myocardial
infarction. Lancet1993; 334422 : 759–66.
4 The European Myocardial Infarction Project Group. Pre-hospital
thrombolytic therapy in patients with suspected acute myocardial
infarction. N Engl J Med1993; 332299 : 383–9.

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