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Table 1: Comparison of macronutrient intake on a balanced vs. ketogenic diet

Balanced diet Ketogenic diet
Study Calories Protein Carbs Fat Calories Protein Carbs Fat
Larosa (3) 1995 96 171 113 1461 107 6 108
Fisher (4) Not listed 2136 121 24 172
Yudkin (5) 2330 84 216 124 1560 83 67 105

Note: Protein, carbs, and fat are in grams per day.

Cholesterol intake

The high intake of animal source foods affects cholesterol intake as well. A typical
balanced diet provides between 300 and 500 milligram (mg) per day of cholesterol (3). On a
ketogenic diet, depending on total caloric intake, cholesterol intake was found to increase to 828
mg/day (484) on a 1400 calorie per day diet, and approximately 1500 mg/day on a 2100 calorie
diet (4). This is far higher than the American Heart Association recommendation of no more
than 300 mg/day of cholesterol, and concerns have been raised regarding the effect of ketogenic
diets on blood cholesterol levels. The effects of the ketogenic diet on cholesterol levels are
discussed in the chapter 7.

In general, individuals who begin a ketogenic diet without paying attention to calorie,
protein, or fat levels will automatically lower their caloric intake below maintenance. The
resulting caloric deficit will result in weight/fat loss. Typically, protein intake will stay about the
same, fat intake may go up a little bit, and carbohydrate intake will drop compared to pre-
ketogenic diet levels.

Section 2: Carbohydrates and the SKD

Carbohydrate intake is arguably the most significant aspect of a ketogenic diet as
carbohydrates have the greatest effect on ketosis. As a general rule, carbohydrate intake must
be reduced below 100 grams and most individuals find that a carbohydrate intake of 30 grams is
the maximum that can be consumed. Irrespective of other other facets of the SKD, a
carbohydrate intake which is too high will disrupt ketosis.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
(carbohydrate is frequently abbreviated as CHO for this reason). They are used by the body

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