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(lu) #1

a contest where no carb-up is done, and unless a longer cycle (such as the 10 day cycle discussed
below) is being used, trainees should not reduce the carb-up to less than 24 hours in most cases.

Improve the quality of the carb-load phase.

A great number of individuals are drawn to the CKD by the idea that any and all
carbohydrates can be consumed during the carb-loading period. While this is loosely true, it
comes with the price of slowing fat loss. Some individuals have consumed as much as 10,000
calories during a carb-load. Dieters consuming lots of junk food (especially with a high sugar and
fat content) oftentimes regain some of the bodyfat which was lost during the lowcarb week.
Thus, the CKD becomes a two-steps forward, one-step backwards ordeal.

Making better food choices, limiting carbohydrate intake to 10 grams/kilogram lean body
mass, emphasizing carbohydrates with a lower glycemic index, and eating less dietary fat can
minimize any fat regain during the carb-load. Additionally, certain supplements (discussed in
chapter 31) may help to prevent fat regain during the carb-load. Refer back to chapter 12 for
details on optimizing the carb-load phase of the CKD.

Establish ketosis more quickly.

In theory, if ketosis can be established faster, more fat might be lost. Applying strategies
#1 and #2 above is the first step. If individuals still having trouble establishing ketosis quickly,
they may need to increase the amount of cardio done the morning after the carb-up. Alternately,
the carb-up can be ended earlier in the previous day to allow liver glycogen to empty more
quickly. Finally, fructose and sucrose can be avoided during the carb-load to avoid refilling liver
glycogen. However, this may compromise potential muscle growth during the carb-up, due to the
liver remaining in a catabolic state (see chapter 12).

Perform longer periods in ketosis before carbing

This ties into strategy #1 above. Some individuals have found that a 10 day cycle (one
carb-load period every 10 days) significantly increases fat loss compared to a 7 day cycle. In this
case, the weekly training should be spread out over 10 days. An example workout cycle appears

day 1: upper body (tension workout as per advanced CKD workout), cardio optional
day 2: lower body (tension workout as per advanced CKD workout), cardio optional

Note: The goal of these two workouts, as with the advanced CKD workout is to send an anabolic
stimulus to the muscle to maintain muscle mass while dieting.

day 3: off to allow recovery from previous day’s workouts
day 4: cardio or reduce calories 10% more
day 5: cardio or reduce calories 10% more
day 6: short depletion workout

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