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(lu) #1

Note: During this workout, high reps should be used with light weights, not training to failure. The
goal is only to deplete glycogen more to enhance fat use by the muscle. Few sets, approximately
2-3 per bodypart should be done but no more.

day 7: cardio or reduce calories 10% more
day 8: cardio or reduce calories 10% more
day 9: cardio or reduce calories 10% more
day 10: depletion in morning; begin carb-up immediately after training.

The final depletion should be a repeat of the day 6 depletion, being comprised of an
additional 2-3 sets per bodypart. This should completely deplete muscle glycogen, prior the
starting the carb-up, which would last 24 hours before starting the cycle over again.

The problem with this cycle is that it does not fit neatly into a 7 day work-week and
requires that different days of the week be trained on each cycle. However if a dieter has the
flexibility in their schedule, and wants to pursue maximal fat loss from each cycle, it may be a
worthwhile experiment.


A reality of fat loss diets is the inevitable plateau which occurs. There are a variety of
strategies available to overcome a fat loss plateau. These range from making better choices in
food quality, to taking a week off from the diet, to a variety of different workout schedules which
can be tried. In general, only one strategy should be tried at any one time so that an individual
can gauge how the change is or is not working.

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