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Chapter 16:

Final considerations

As stated previously, this book is not meant to argue for or against the ketogenic diet as
the ideal diet for weight/fat loss or any other application. Rather it is an attempt to present a
comprehensive account of what occurs during a ketogenic diet, and to dispel the many
misconceptions surrounding the state of dietary ketosis. Additionally, specific guidelines have
been offered for those individuals who have decided to do a ketogenic diet.

As discussed in chapter 6, it is impossible to state unequivocally whether a ketogenic diet
is better or worse in terms of fat loss and protein sparing than a carbohydrate-based diet with a
similar calorie level. This is largely due to the paucity of applicable studies done with reasonable
calorie levels and adequate protein. In essence, the definitive studies, which would apply to the
calorie and protein recommendations being made in this book, have not been done.

It is this author’s opinion that a variety of dietary approaches can be effective and that no
single dietary approach is optimal for every goal. For example, a bodybuilder dieting for a contest
has different dietary needs than an endurance athlete preparing for an event or the average
person trying to lose a few pounds. As with any approach to fat loss, the ketogenic diet has
various benefits and drawbacks. Although most of these have been mentioned within a specific
context in previous chapters, they are briefly discussed again. Additionally, certain medical
conditions preclude the use of a ketogenic diet, which are discussed in the next section.

Section 1: Comparison of ketogenic to
balanced dieting

For any diet to be effective, it must match not only the individual’s physiology but also
their psychology. The best diet in the world will not work if an individual does not adhere to it.
Like any dietary approach, ketogenic diets have benefits and drawbacks in this regard, which are
discussed here. Note that this section is derived from mostly anecdotal sources rather than from

Food issues

The limited food choices on a ketogenic diet can be considered either good or bad. On the
one hand, some individuals seem to do better with diets that are very restrictive, as it simplifies
meal planning. The limited food choices on a ketogenic diet make it easier for some individuals to
adhere to the diet. By the same token, this limitation in food choices can make the diet
monotonous. With some creativity, low-carbohydrate food can be made more interesting,
especially with the increased availability of low-carbohydrate cookbooks.

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