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intermediate weight-trainers, as it will allow them to sustain exercise intensity without disrupting
ketosis for long periods of time. Additionally those individuals who cannot use the CKD for health
reasons, but who are also involved in high-intensity exercise, may find the TKD appropriate.

Other options

The three approaches described in this book are by no means the only ways to implement
a ketogenic diet and individuals may need to experiment to determine what works best for them.
Anecdotally, some individuals have found a 10-day CKD cycle to be the most effective.
Additionally, individuals who cannot do a full carb-load every 7 days have done a 14 day cycle
with a carb-load every other week. This allows some of the freedom of the carb-up, without
requiring the large amount of exercise needed.

Which diet gives the best fat loss?

A question which is often asked is whether the SKD, TKD, or CKD yields the best fat loss.
This is not really a question with a single answer. Ultimately, fat loss is going to be determined
primarily by caloric considerations. In the long run, a SKD, TKD or CKD at the same calorie level
will probably yield fairly similar fat loss.

Section 3: Contraindications to the ketogenic diet

Like any dietary approach, the ketogenic diet is not universally applicable. Individuals
with certain preexisting medical conditions should seriously consider whether an extreme
approach such as the ketogenic diet is appropriate. Although little data is available on this topic,
some major conditions which might preclude the use of a ketogenic diet are discussed below.

Kidney problems

Although no data exists to suggest that the ‘high protein’ nature of a ketogenic diet is
problematic for individuals with normal kidney functioning, high protein intake may cause
problems for individuals with preexisting conditions. Therefore, individuals who are prone to
kidney stones should seriously consider whether the ketogenic diet is appropriate for them. The
slight dehydration which occurs coupled with a high protein intake may increase the risk of
stones. For individuals on the ketogenic diet, it is imperative to drink sufficient water and to be
aware of the potential for problems.

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