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I became interested in the ketogenic diet two and one-half years ago when I used a modified
form (called a cyclical ketogenic diet) to reach a level of leanness that was previously impossible
using other diets. Since that time, I have spent innumerable hours researching the details of the
diet, attempting to answer the many questions which surround it. This book represents the
results of that quest.

The ketogenic diet is surrounded by controversy. Proponents of the ketogenic diet proclaim
it as a magical diet while opponents denounce the diet because of misconceptions about the
physiology involved. As with so many issues of controversy, the reality is somewhere in the
middle. Like most dietary approaches, the ketogenic diet has benefits and drawbacks, all of
which are discussed in this book.

The goal of this book is not to convince nor dissuade individuals to use a ketogenic diet.
Rather, the goal of this book is to present the facts behind the ketogenic diet based on the
available scientific research. While the use of anecdotal evidence is minimized, it is included
where it adds to the information presented.

Guidelines for implementing the ketogenic diet are presented for those individuals who
decide to use it. Although a diet free of carbohydrates is appropriate for individuals who are not
exercising or only performing low-intensity aerobic exercise, it is not appropriate for those
individuals involved in high-intensity exercise. In addition to the standard ketogenic diet, two
modified ketogenic diets are discussed which integrate carbohydrates while maintaining ketosis.

The first of these is the targeted ketogenic diet, which includes the consumption of
carbohydrates around exercise. The second, the cyclical ketogenic diet, alternates a span of
ketogenic dieting with periods of high-carbohydrate consumption. In addition to an examination
of the ketogenic diet, exercise is addressed, especially as it pertains to ketogenic diets and fat loss.

This book is divided into seven parts. Part I includes an introduction to the ketogenic diet
and a history of its development. Part II presents the physiology of fuel utilization in the body,
ketone bodies, the adaptations to ketosis, changes in body composition, and other metabolic
effects which occur as a result of ketosis. Part III discusses the specific diets presented in this
book. This includes a general discussion of dieting principles, including body composition and
metabolic rate, as well as details of how to develop a standard, targeted, and cyclical ketogenic
diet. Part IV completes discussion of the ketogenic diet with chapters on breaking fat loss
plateaus, ending the diet, tools used to enhance the diet, and concerns for individuals considering
using ketogenic diet.

Part V discusses exercise physiology, including aerobic exercise, interval training, and
weight training. Additionally, the effects of exercise on ketosis and fat loss are discussed. Part VI
develops general exercise guidelines based on the information presented in the preceding
chapters. Part VII presents sample exercise programs, as well as guidelines for pre-contest
bodybuilders. Finally, Part VIII discusses the use of supplements on the ketogenic diet, both for
general health as well as specific goals.

This book is meant as a technical reference manual for the ketogenic diet. It includes
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