BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1

Enzyme mechanisms

Although the specific mechanism by which
enzymes stabilize the transitional state is
unique for each protein, the general mech-
anism can be understood in terms of an
enhancement of the stability of the transition
state. In a simple picture (Figure 7.12), consider an enzyme designed to
break a bond in a molecule. Normally the molecule is stable but binding
of the molecule to the enzyme bends the molecule such that a specific
bond is positioned for catalytic cleavage. The enzyme provides multiple
weak interactions between the enzyme and substrate that are specific-
ally positioned such that binding is optimized for the intermediate state.
These interactions not only facilitate the reaction but also are designed
for specificity, with binding constants several orders of magnitude larger
for the substrate than for analogous molecules.

Research direction: dynamics in enzyme mechanism

Proteins are not static molecules, they undergo dynamical rearrangements
constantly (Frauenfelder et al. 1991). Proteins can undergo large-scale
conformational changes on a millisecond timescale. For example, oxygen
transport by hemoglobin is regulated by cooperative conformational
changes. Even if proteins do not undergo large structural changes, they
do undergo constant fluctuations with motions occurring on timescales as
short as picoseconds (see Chapter 8). To some degree, such motions are
inherent due to the nature of molecules in solution. However, enzymes may
have evolved to make use of such motions in order to more efficiently
perform catalysis.


Table 7.2

Representative values of Keqand ΔG° using eqn 3.20.

Keq ΔΔG° (kJ mol−−^1 )

10 −^5 28.5
10 −^3 17.1
10 −^1 5.7
101 −5.7
103 −17.1
105 −28.5

Reactants Intermediate Products

Figure 7.12
A schematic
diagram of how
enzymes facilitate
the formation of
an intermediate
state of a reaction
by favoring
rearrangement of the
reactants into the
intermediate state.

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