BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1

8.9 For a molecule with a vibrational mode with a CO stretch frequency of 500 cm−^1 (corres-
ponding to 1.5 × 1012 s−^1 ), what is the partition function at 298 K?
8.10 Why did Ludwig Boltzmann have S=kBlnWwritten on his gravestone?
8.11 Use S=kBlnWto calculate the entropy for a system that can exist in (a) one configuration,
(b) two configurations, and (c) 10 configurations.
8.12 Why does the Levinthal paradox not prevent proteins from folding in the cell?
8.13 What is an energy landscape?
8.14 How does the time required for proteins to fold into their secondary structural elements
compare with time required for overall protein folding?
8.15 Suppose a protein can exist in two conformations that have an energy difference of
2.0 kJ mol−^1. What is the estimated ratio of the conformations?
8.16 Why was the involvement of prions in disease so controversial?
8.17 How is the possible formation of βsheets related to the properties of prions?
8.18 Why are prion-based diseases difficult to treat?


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