BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1
simple representation of electron transfer, an electron on a donor must
make a transition to the acceptor. Both the donor and acceptor can be
considered to be local regions with stable potentials (Figure 7.9). In order
to make the transition, the electron must travel through regions that
have varying potentials, but are generally less favorable, and therefore
less stable, than those associated with the donor and acceptor. The prob-
lem then can be represented as calculating the probability of an electron
making a transition through a series of potential barriers. The presence
of the barriers is modeled in terms of the coupling constant V. For each
barrier, there will be a decrease in the transmission of the electron, and
this is modeled as giving rise to a decrease in the coupling strength. The
effect of the multiple barriers is to give rise to a product of terms, each of
which, identified as εI, contributes to the overall strength of the coupling
with a proportionality constant A:


The value of each contribution εIcan be estimated using two different
possible approaches. In one approach, each of the steps is considered to
be of equal strength, εI=εa 9 for all steps i. In this case, the coupling can
be written in terms of the average barrier for each step and expressed
in terms of the physical separation between the donor and acceptor,


Thus, the prediction is that the coupling, and hence the electron-transfer
rate, will decay exponentially with increasing separation between the
donor and acceptor. The alternative approach is that each step has a dis-
tinctive effect on the coupling. In this scheme, the individual coupling
is determined by the nature of the space that the electron is traversing.
In general, the steps can be classified into three groups, with the best
coupling arising for travel through covalent bonds, weaker coupling for
travel through hydrogen bonds, and the weakest coupling being for
travel through space. The net coupling is calculated as the product of these
three contributions:



i I j j




εε()(covalent bonds∏ bonds)(through spacehydrogen b)



k k ⎦⎥




a R


222 2==εβε−β =−^2 ln ≈ 1
99 DA



i I

2 2 2


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